Dr. Kendra Daly is a biological oceanographer at the
University of South Florida, College of Marine Science in St. Petersburg,
Florida. She has more than eight years of accumulated sea time,
including more than 20 expeditions to polar regions. Her current
projects include a Southern Ocean GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis
and Modeling project, an investigation of predator-prey interactions
in the Ross Sea, a project in the eastern tropical north Pacific
studying the effects of the oxygen minimum zone on food webs and
biogeochemical cycles, an investigation of ecosystem response to
the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and a project to develop
a new generation of a zooplankton imaging system. In addition, Daly
serves as a Project Scientist for the U.S. Ocean Observatories Initiative,
as a member of the U.S. Comparative Analysis Marine Ecosystem Organization
(CAMEO) Science Steering Committee, and is the Vice-Chair for the
U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Science Steering Committee.
Dr. Roger Harris (R.Harris@pml.ac.uk)
is a Senior Scientist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK. His
main research interests are: the control of biological production
by physical processes, the role of water column biology in global
oceanic carbon flux and the ecology and physiology of calanoid copepods.
He is past Chairman of the IGBP/SCOR/IOC GLOBEC Steering Committee
and is currently Vice-President of the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation
for Ocean Science and an active member of the ICES Zooplankton Ecology
Working Group. He has been involved in a number of editorial roles,
currently principally as Editor of the Journal of Plankton Research
and has also edited the Special Issues of ICES Journal of Marine
Science for the Plymouth, Gijon and Hiroshima Zooplankton Symposia.
Torkel Gissel Nielsen Technical
University of Denmark
Professor Torkel Gissel Nielsen (tgin@aqua.dtu.dk)
is biological oceanographer based at Section for Oceanecology
and Climate, Technical University of Denmark. He received his
M.Sc. (in 1987), his PhD (in 1990) and Dr. scient (in 2005) from
University of Copenhagen. His has conducted extensive field work
in arctic, temperate and tropical ecosystems. His main interest
is experimental plankton ecology with focus on structure and function
of the pelagic food web. His current projects are focusing on
the impact of climate change on the succession, composition and
energy transfer in Greenlandic and North Atlantic pelagic ecosystems.
Steinberg Virginia
Institute of Marine Science, USA
Dr. Deborah Steinberg is a Professor of Marine Science
at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), College of William
and Mary. Her major areas of interest are zooplankton ecology and
biogeochemical cycling, coastal and deep-sea food webs, effects
of climate change on zooplankton community structure, and science
education. She received her Ph.D. in 1993 from the University of
California Santa Cruz, and was a Research scientist at the Bermuda
Institute of Ocean Sciences where she coordinated the Bermuda Atlantic
Time-series Study program before coming to VIMS in 2001. Recent
and current research projects include studies of mesopelagic zooplankton
and particle flux in the subtropical and subarctic North Pacific,
effects of climate change on zooplankton west of the Antarctic Peninsula,
and zooplankton and nutrient cycling in the Amazon River plume.
She is currently also an Associate Editor of Deep-Sea Research I,
member of the Board of Trustees of the Bermuda Institute of Ocean
Sciences, and a University-National Laboratory System Council member.
Dr. Shin-ichi Uye, born in 1950, completed his bachelor
and master degrees in Fisheries Science at Hiroshima University
and was awarded his Ph.D. by Tohoku University in 1981. He initially
studied the resting eggs of planktonic copepods, and expanded his
research field to zooplankton production ecology through intensive
studies on the population dynamics and productivity of major copepod
species in Japanese coastal waters. Around 1990, he noticed a significant
increase of unhealthy copepods coated in jellyfish mucus, and then
gradually shifted his research interest to jellyfish biology. He
is now involved in two jellyfish research projects, one is STOPJELLY
as PI and another as a co-investigator in an international project
studying the blooms of the giant jellyfish, Nemopilema nomurai.
His tem has made great strides in understanding the life cycle and
reproduction of this jellyfish species whose massive blooms cause
severe damage to fisheries.
Dr. Uye was formerly President of the Plankton Society of Japan
(2001-2004) and also formerly President of the World Association
of Copepodologists (2005-2008). He is currently wearing two hats:
one for a university administrator as Executive Vice-President (Education
Office) of Hiroshima University, and another as a jellyfish researcher.
He will be one of co-chairs of the newly established PICES Working
Group on Jellyfish Blooms around the North Pacific Rim: Causes and
Session Effects
of climate variability on secondary production and community structure
Mark Ohman Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
Mark Ohman (mohman@ucsd.edu)
is Professor, and Curator of Pelagic Invertebrates, at the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California. He is also
lead PI of the California Current Ecosystem LTER (Long-Term Ecological
Research) site. He first developed an interest in zooplankton ecology
as an undergraduate at the University of California at Santa Cruz,
and carried out his PhD training at the University of Washington,
Seattle. His current interests include applications of inverse models
in zooplankton population dynamics, the mechanisms through which
climate change impacts pelagic communities, and uses of autonomous
measurement methods (ocean gliders, free-fall profilers, moorings)
for resolving event-scale ocean phenomena of relevance to zooplankton
Session Ecological
interactions: Links to upper and lower trophic levels
Diana Stoecker University of Maryland Center for Environmental
Science, USA
Diane Stoecker is a biological oceanographer and professor
at University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn
Point Laboratory. She received a Ph.D. from the Ecology and Evolution
Program at State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1979.
Her research interests shifted from benthic invertebrates to microzooplankton
while at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as a post- doctoral
scholar and then scientist. She moved to UMCES in 1991. Her research
interests include microzooplankton grazing, mixotrophy (plastid
retention and acquired phototrophy by planktonic ciliates and grazing
by photosynthetic dinoflagellates), mesozooplankton grazing on microzooplankton,
and species interactions in the plankton. Her present projects are
on the effects of climate variation on the microzooplankton link
in sub-Arctic planktonic food webs (BEST-BSIERP Program), on the
effects of seasonal hypoxia on the importance of microzooplankton
as food for copepods in Chesapeake Bay, and on trophodynamics of
the photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum and its cryptophytes
Session Zooplankton
life histories: Spatial connectivity, dormancy, and life cycle closure
I am Professor (Research) at the Ocean Sciences Centre
of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Since obtaining my Ph.D.
from the University of Georgia in 1980, and a one-year hiatus at
the College of Charleston, I have been in Newfoundland working on
the ecology of cold ocean plankton. I have led collaborative projects
focused on the carbon cycle in Newfoundland fjords, describing the
formation and fate of the spring diatom bloom at sub-zero water
temperatures. This research produced exciting spin-off projects,
including the seasonal life cycle and lipid storage dynamics of
benthic boundary layer zooplankton. I have also worked extensively
on the role of planktonic copepods and tunicates in the carbon cycle
of four arctic polynyas, the Northeast Water polynya, the North
Water polynya, the Amundsen Gulf polynya and the St. Lawrence Island
polynya. During this time I was fortunate to hold an NSERC University
Research Fellowship for 10 years, and was a theme leader within
the Northwater polynya program (NOW) and the Canadian Arctic Shelf
Exchange Study (CASES). After working on salps and doliolids as
a graduate student, I continued to pursue my curiosity about pelagic
tunicates in Newfoundland, examining the feeding behaviour, feeding
rates and population ecology of appendicularians living in the Labrador
Current. It appears that the fishers of Newfoundland have known
about cold ocean appendicularians for centuries, as the abandoned
mucous houses of oikopleurids foul their fixed fishing gear. They
call this fouling 'slub'. Imagine my excitement on finding that
I had arrived at a place where pelagic tunicates were part of the
local culture and historical knowledge!
Session Small-scale
biological-chemical-physical interactions in the plankton
Ruben Escribano is a professor of biological oceanography
in University of Concepción, Chile, Department of Oceanography.
He received a Ph.D. in Biology in 1991 from the Dalhousie University,
Canada. Between 1992 and 2002 Ruben developed research on population
biology of pelagic copepods from the upwelling area of northern
Chile working at University of Antofagasta, Chile. In 2002 he moved
on to University of Concepción in the south of Chile and
initiated studies on zooplankton ecology in the central/southern
upwelling region of Chile, as one of the principal investigators
of the Center for Oceanographic Research in the Eastern South Pacific
(COPAS). His main research seeks to understand and establish the
links between variability of the physical and chemical environment
of coastal upwelling zones and zooplankton responses at population
and community level. Ruben was during 2005 and 2009 a member of
the Scientific Steering Committee of GLOBEC, and since 2002 an active
participant of Census of Marine Life Program through the OBIS (Ocean
Biogeographic Information System) project and the Census of Marine
Zooplankton (CmarZ) project. Current research involves a combination
of field data and experimental approaches as to assess how environmental
change can modify the size structure and species composition of
metazooplankton communities.
Session Zooplankton
in polar ecosystems and extreme environments
Dr. Øystein Varpe is a biologist at the Norwegian
Polar Institute (NPI). He received his M.Sc. from University of
Tromsø and his PhD (in 2007) from University of Bergen. Varpe
is part of the Centre for Ice, Climate and Ecosystems (ICE) at NPI.
His main research interests are in the field of evolutionary ecology
and his work aims at understanding how individual variation in life
history strategies and behavior are selected for and influence interactions
between species as well as their population dynamics. He works in
highly seasonal environments where the scheduling of annual events
such as reproduction, energy storage, dormancy and migrations are
key traits. Most of his work is on the ecology of seabirds, fish
and zooplankton using simulation models as well as statistical analyses
of data.
More about Varpe’s research at http://npweb.npolar.no/english/person/varpe
Session Zooplankton
physiology and bioenergetics
Bob Campbell is an Associate Marine Research Scientist
at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
where he also received his Ph.D. in Oceanography. His main interests
are in zooplankton physiological ecology, primarily focusing on
feeding, growth, and reproduction of key copepod species. He has
employed laboratory and field studies to address important ecological
topics in zooplankton ecology including quantifying the effects
of temperature and food on zooplankton growth and development, the
role of zooplankton grazing in the initiation and control of harmful
algal blooms, the ecological importance of zooplankton in carbon
cycling and transformation processes in Arctic and Subarctic seas,
and using knowledge of the physiology and life history traits of
a species to both explain current distributions and predict future
distributions in a changing environment. He has worked in a variety
of marine environments from Narragansett Bay, RI to the Gulf of
Maine and Georges Bank and from the Bering Sea to the Canada Basin
and adjacent shelf seas in the Arctic Ocean. He conducts research
from small boats to large icebreakers and has even worked from an
ice camp on the Arctic Ocean.
Session The
role of zooplankton in biogeochemical cycles
Hernandez-Leon Universidad de Las Palmas de GC, Spain
Dr. Santiago Hernández-León is a biological
oceanographer at the Institute of Oceanography and Global Change
in the Canary Islands. He obtained the degree in biology in 1980
and received a Ph.D in Oceanography in 1986 from the Universidad
de La Laguna (Canary Islands). He is professor of zoology in the
marine sciences school at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria. His research interest is related to the effect of climate
on the ecology and physiology of plankton communities. He has been
working on the role of micro- and mesozooplankton in the oceanic
carbon flux from the Arctic to Antarctica, but he is especially
interested in the assessment of the active flux due to vertical
migrants in subtropical waters. He is also interested in the study
of trophic cascades and how they affect the ocean biogeochemistry.
Session The
diverse role of meroplankton in the biology and ecology of marine
Jesús Pineda Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
As a boy, Jesús Pineda traveled each summer
from his home in Mexico City to his grandmother’s ranch in
central Mexico, where he fished for catfish from a local river.
That interest spurred a biology and oceanography career, and he
quickly found barnacles, sea anemones, and other invertebrates more
intriguing than fish. After earning BS and MS degrees in biological
oceanography and marine ecology at Facultad de Ciencias Marinas,
and CICESE in Ensenada, Mexico, he completed doctoral studies in
oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He joined
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as a postdoctoral scholar before
becoming an associate scientist. For his research, he has explored
coastlines in the West and East coasts of the United States, as
well as Mexico, Panama, and Saudi Arabia. The main theme at Pineda’s
lab is the study of recruitment of benthic invertebrates end to
end, from spawning to settlement, and to survival to adulthood.
In particular, he has studied how larvae of coastal invertebrates
are transported back to adult habitats by internal tidal bores.
He has also studied larval settlement, and the survival of these
settlers to reproductive age. Pineda often studies barnacles “…because
they are a model system for marine ecology, the same way fruit flies
are a model system in genetics”. For more information visit
Pineda’s lab website http://science.whoi.edu/labs/pinedalab/index.html
Wendy Gentleman is an Associate Professor in Engineering
Mathematics with a cross-appointment in Oceanography at Dalhousie
University, Canada. She received her Ph.D. from Dartmouth College/Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA, and did a post-doc at the University
of Washington, USA. Her research uses models to understand how environmental
variability affects zooplankton population dynamics, as well as
trophic links between primary producers, zooplankton, and their
predators. This work includes analyses of assumptions inherent in
model equations, improving characterization of biological processes
and physical-biological coupling, and investigation of the factors
controlling observed variations in zooplankton density and production.
Wendy collaborates with researchers across North America and Europe,
and has recently demonstrated the critical roles of the grazing
functional response and mortality for copepod demography and ecosystem
structure. She has been actively involved with interdisciplinary
research programs (e.g. GLOBEC, JGOFS), and has served as reviewer
for a host of international journals and funding agencies.
Workshop Advances
in genomic and molecular studies of zooplankton
Carol Eunmi Lee Center of Rapid Evolution (CORE), University
of Wisconsin, USA
Jenny Huggett is a biological oceanographer at the
Department of Environmental Affairs, in Cape Town. She has studied
zooplankton ecology in the southern Benguela upwelling system and
on the Agulhas Bank for over 20 years, and did her PhD on the comparative
ecology of the copepods Calanoides carinatus and Calanus
agulhensis. She also ran a monitoring line programme to explore
variability in the transport of clupeoid fish eggs and larvae in
the Benguela jet current, from their spawning grounds on the Agulhas
Bank to the west coast nursery area. More recently she has become
involved in zooplankton research in the southwest Indian Ocean,
with a particular interest in the communities associated with mesoscale
eddies in the dynamic Mozambique Channel, as part of a multidisciplinary
ecosystem study with colleagues from la Réunion and France.
Brad Seibel is an Associate Professor of Biology at
the University of Rhode Island. He received his Ph.D. at the University
of California, Santa Barbara in 1998. He studies physiological adaptations
of marine animals to extremes of temperature, oxygen and carbon
dioxide. He studied the impacts of purposeful carbon sequestration
on deep-sea animals, the metabolism and locomotion of polar organisms
at low temperature and the effects of carbon dioxide on organisms
thought to be sensitive to ocean acidification. Most recently he
has focused on the hypoxia tolerance of animals in oceanic oxygen
minimum layers. He has shown that many species suppress metabolism
during diel forays into the oxygen minimum layer, which alters the
biogeochemical cycles that are dependent on these organisms.
Cabell Davis is a scientist in the Biology Department
at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His general research
area is plankton ecology with a focus on zooplankton. He did his
PhD research in Woods Hole on the copepods of Georges Bank, a rich
fishing ground east of Cape Cod. He has used a combination of biological-physical
modeling, field sampling, and laboratory experiments to determine
the underlying mechanisms controlling observed distributions of
zooplankton species. His research has revealed predatory control
of copepod populations and that fall is more productive than spring.
He co-developed the Video Plankton Recorder, an underwater video
microscope with automatic image identification, and has used it
to obtain high-resolution data on fragile and robust plankton, on
scales from the individual to ocean basin. The data reveal microscale
monospecific aggregations of zooplankton and high concentrations
of important fragile plankton and marine snow. He recently collaborated
with MIT engineers in developing a small underwater digital holographic
camera for imaging plankton. He is currently modeling the impact
of climate change on the fisheries ecosystem on Georges Bank as
part of the U.S. Northwest Atlantic Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics