August 21-22, 2006, Busan, Korea , Pukyong University
We invite contributed oral presentations and posters that address
the themes
of the workshop. The workshop will consist of talks by invited
speakers interspersed by contributed talks. Invited and contributed
speakers will be given 40 and 30 minutes, respectively. The time
allocation for the contributed talks could be reduced depending
on the number of papers submitted. All posters will remain up for
the entire workshop, giving lengthy viewing time for each poster.
All workshop participants giving presentations are requested to
submit extended abstracts, up to 7 pages including figures. There
is no specific format for the abstracts, but they should be produced
using MS Word so that we can edit the abstracts. We may request
original figure files from all authors. Please send your electronic
version of abstracts to
before the deadline The DEADLINE for abstract submission
is June 30, 2006.
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