The workshop will consist of plenary talks by invited and contributed
speakers. Posters that address the themes of the workshop are also
invited. The two-day workshop will consist of four sessions (WS1~WS4).
WS1~WS3 will focus on JES, reviewing recent highly-resolved observational
results (WS1), circulation modeling and model/data intercomparison
(WS2), and nowcast/forecast systems operating in the JES (WS3).
As there have been few attempts to model the JES ecosystem, WS4
will introduce ecosystem modeling activities in the North Pacific
as a way of encouraging similar activities in the JES. The workshop
will finish with a panel discussion.
Session 1 (WS1):
Review of JES Observational Results
To review the most recent
observations of physical and biogeochemical processes in the
Session 2 (WS2):
JES Modeling and Intercomparison with Data
To share results from simulations of
physical and ecosystem processes and their variability, and
to compare model results with observational data. Particular
attention will be given to those data obtained during CREAMS
II (ONR-JES program for 1999~2001, and other experiments) in
order to identify common responses, to discover major disagreements
among models, and to identify any extreme responses in individual
models that might warrant further investigation
Session 3 (WS3):
Operational Nowcast/Forecast System in the JES
To introduce and share results from
present state-of-art nowcast/forecast systems operating in the
JES and to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses with regard
to circulation variability and ecosystem response
Session 4 (WS4):
Ecosystem Modeling in the North Pacific Regions
To introduce efforts
that are developing regional coupled physical-biological models
in North Pacific regions and to encourage such efforts in the
Discussion Panel
The workshop will finish with a panel
discussion on the assessment of JES model results presented
in the workshop and on the future improvements of JES circulation
WS1: Review of JES
Observational Results
Vyacheslav Lobanov (Pacific
Oceanological Institute, Russia)
Randolph Watts (University of Rhode Island,
(or Mark Wimbush)
WS2: JES Modeling
and Intercomparison with Data
Jong-Hwan Yoon (Kyushu University,
Christopher Mooers (University of Miami,
Olga Trusenkova (Pacific Oceanological
Institute, Russia)
Patrick Hogan (Naval Research Laboratory,
WS3: Operational
Nowcast/Forecast System in the JES
Naoki Hirose (Kyushu University,
Moon-Sik Suk (Korea Ocean Research and
Development Institute, Korea)
Patrick Hogan (Naval Research Laboratory,
Shin-ichi Ito (Tohoku Regional Fisheries
Research Institute, Japan)
WS4: Ecosystem Modeling
in North Pacific Regions
Michio Kishi (Hokkaido
University, Japan)
Fei Chai (University of Maine, U.S.A.)
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