Studies of Climate Effects on Polar and Sub-Polar Ecosystems:
Progress in Observation and Prediction
2011 OSM
May 22-26, 2011, Seattle,
It is anticipated that at least three special volumes will result from
the ESSAS OSM. There will be a special volume of ICES Journal of Marine
Science that will publish up to 30 refereed papers from the Symposium
as a whole. In addition, Session 8, on "Interactions between gadoids
and crustaceans: the roles of climate, predation, and fishing"
is planning a special volume, as is Session 3 on "Modeling marine
ecosystem dynamics in high latitude regions", and possibly Session
2, on "New observations and understanding of the eastern and western
Bering Sea". It is hoped that the Convenors and participants in
other sessions will explore the possibility of assembling special volumes,
where appropriate. Participants interested in contributing to a special
volume should contact the Convenors of the appropriate session to learn
about plans for a special volume, if any, from that session.