PICES Scientific Reports
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P: 978-1-927797-15-0
W: 978-1-927797-17-4
No. 48
Expert Group: WG-21
Kestrup, Åsa M., Smith, D.L. and Therriault, T.W. (Eds.) 2015
Report of Working Group 21 on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 48, 176 pp.
P: 978-1-927797-11-2
W: 978-1-927797-13-6
No. 47
Expert Group: HAB-S
Trainer, V.L. and Yoshida, T. (Eds.) 2014
Proceedings of the Workshop on Economic Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on Fisheries and Aquaculture. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 47, 85 pp.
P: 978-1-927797-10-5
W: 978-1-927797-12-9
No. 46
Expert Group: SG-MP
Ross, P.S. (Ed.) 2014
Report of the Study Group on Marine Pollutants. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 46, 49 pp.
P: 978-1-927797-03-7
W: 978-1-927797-11-2
No. 45
Expert Group: WG-25
Hollowed, A.B., Kim, S., Barange, M. and Loeng, H. (Eds.) 2013
Report of the PICES/ICES Working Group on Forecasting Climate Change Impacts on Fish and Shellfish. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 45, 197 pp.

P: 978-1-927797-06-8
W: 978-1-927797-06-8
No. 44
Expert Group: WG-24
Katsuyuki Abo, Ingrid Burgetz and Brett Dumbauld (Eds.) 2013
Report of Working Group 24 on Environmental Interactions of Marine Aquaculture. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 44, 122 pp.
P: 978-1-927797-05-1
W: 978-1-927797-05-1
No. 43
Expert Group: WG-23
C. Tracy Shaw, William T. Peterson and Song Sun (Eds.) 2013
Report of Working Group 23 on Comparative Ecology of Krill in Coastal and Oceanic Waters around the Pacific Rim. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 43, 100 pp.
P: 978-1-927797-04-4
W: 978-1-927797-04-4
No. 42
Expert Group: WG-22
Shigenobu Takeda, Fei Chai and Jun Nishioka.
Report of Working Group 22 on Iron Supply and its Impact on Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 42, 60 pp.
P: 1-897176-79-1
W: 978-1-927797-08-2
No. 41
Stewart M. McKinnell, Enrique Curchitser, Cornelius Groot, Masahide Kaeriyama and Katherine W. Myers
PICES Advisory Report on the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Steller, 1743) in Relation to Marine Ecology. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 41, 149 pp.
P: 1-897176-76-7
W: 1-897176-78-3

No. 40
Expert Group: WG-20
Michael G. Foreman and Yasuhiro Yamanaka (Eds.) 2011
Report of Working Group 20 on Evaluations of Climate Change Projections.PICES Sci. Rep. No. 40, 165 pp.


P: 1-897176-75-9
W: 1-897176-77-5
No. 39
Expert Group: SG-HD
Mitsutaku Makino and David L. Fluharty (Eds.) 2011
Report of the Study Group on Human Dimensions. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 39, 40 pp.
P: 1-897176-69-4
W: 1-897176-71-6
No. 38
Expert Group: AP-MIE
Evgeny Pakhomov and Orio Yamamura (Eds.) 2010
Report of the Advisory Panel on Micronekton Sampling Inter-calibration Experiment. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 38, 109 pp.
P: 1-897176-68-6
W: 1-897176-70-8
No. 37
Expert Group: WG-19
Glen Jamieson, Patricia Livingston and Chang-Ik Zhang (Eds.) 2010
Report of Working Group 19 on Ecosystem-based Management Science and its Application to the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 37, 166 pp.
P: 1-897176-64-3
W: 1-897176-65-1
No. 36
Makoto Kashiwai and Gennady A. Kantakov (Eds.) 2009.
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas
North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 36, 305 pp.
P: 1-897176-45-7
W: 1-897176-61-9
No. 35
Beamish, R.J. (Ed.) 2008
Impacts of Climate and Climate Change on the Key Species in the Fisheries in the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 35, 217 pp.
P: 1-897176-43-0
W: 1-897176-44-9
No. 34
Hollowed, A.B., Beamish, R.J., Okey, T.A. and Schirripa, M.J. (Eds.) 2008. Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 34, 101 pp.
P: 1-897176-05-8
W: 1-897176-09-0
No. 33
Kruse, G.H., Livingston, P., Overland, J.E., Jamieson, G.S., McKinnell, S. and Perry, R.I. (Eds.) 2006. Report of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Integration of Ecological Indicators of the North Pacific with Emphasis on the Bering Sea. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 33, 109 pp.
P: 1-897176-04-X
W: 1-897176-10-4
No. 32
Miller, C.B. and Ikeda, T. (Eds.) 2006. Report of the 2005 Workshop on Ocean Ecodynamics Comparison in the Subarctic Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 32, 103 pp.
P: 1-897176-03-1
W: 1-897176-11-2
No. 31
Takeda, S. and Wong, C.S. (Eds.) 2006. Report of the 2004 Workshop on In Situ Iron Enrichment Experiments in the Eastern and Western Subarctic Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 31, 187 pp.
P: 1-897176-02-3
W: 1-897176-12-0
No. 30
Brodeur, R. and Yamamura, O. (Eds.) 2005. Micronekton of the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 30, 115 pp.
P: 0-9731492-9-9
W: 1-897176-13-9
No. 29
Expert Group: SG-EBM
Jamieson, G. and Zhang, C.-I. (Eds.) 2005. Report of the Study Group on Ecosystem-Based Management Science and its Application to the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 29, 77 pp.
P: 0-9731492-8-0
W: 1-897176-14-7
No. 28
Expert Group: SG-FERRS
King, J.R. (Ed.) 2005. Report of the Study Group on the Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 28, 162 pp.
P: 0-9731492-7-2
W: 1-897176-15-5
No. 27
Expert Group: TT-MODEL
Kishi, M.J. (Ed.) 2004. Report of the MODEL Task Team Second Workshop to Develop a Marine Ecosystem Model of the North Pacific Ocean including Pelagic Fishes. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 27, 49 pp.
P: 0-9731492-6-4
W: 1-897176-16-3
No. 26
McKinnell, S.M. (Ed.) 2004. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 26, 275 pp.
P: 0-9731492-5-6
W: 1-897176-17-1

No. 25
Expert Groups: TT-BASS, TT-MODEL
Aydin, K.Y., McFarlane, G.A., King, J.R. and Megrey, B.A. (Eds.) 2003. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: The BASS/MODEL Report on Trophic Models of the Subarctic Pacific Basin Ecosystems. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 25, 93 pp.

P: 0-9731492-4-8
W: 1-897176-18-X
No. 24
Expert Group: WG-13
Feely, R.A. (Ed.) 2003. C02 in the North Pacific Ocean (Working Group 13 Final Report). PICES Sci. Rep. No. 24, 49 pp.
P: 0-9731492-3-X
W: 1-897176-19-8
No. 23
Expert Group: HAB-S
Taylor, F.J.R. and Trainer, V.L. (Eds.) 2002. Harmful Algal Blooms in the PICES Region of the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 23, 152 pp.
P: 0-9731492-2-1
W: 1-897176-20-1
No. 22
Perry, R.I., Livingston, P. and Bychkov, A.S. (Eds.) 2002. PICES Science: The First Ten Years and a Look to the Future. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 22, 102 pp.
P: 0-9731492-1-3
W: 1-897176-21-X
No. 21 [download pdf, 1.17 MB]
Miller, C.B. (Ed.) 2002. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the PICES 2002 Volunteer Observing Ship Workshop. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 21, 38 pp.
P: 0-9731492-0-5
W: 1-897176-22-8
No. 20
Batchelder, H.P., McFarlane, G.A., Megrey, B.A., Mackas, D.L. and Peterson, W.T. (Eds.) 2002. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2001 BASS/MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2002 MODEL/REX Workshop. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 20, 176 pp.
P: 0-9685100-9-4
W: 1-897176-23-6
No. 19
Otto, R.S. and Jamieson, G.S. (Eds.) 2001. Commercially Important Crabs, Shrimps and Lobsters of the North Pacific Ocean. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 19, 79 pp.
P: 0-9685100-8-6
W: 1-897176-24-4
No. 18
Alexander, V., Bychkov, A.S., Livingston, P. and McKinnell, S.M. (Eds.) 2001. Proceedings of the PICES/CoML/IPRC Workshop on “Impact of Climate Variability on Observation and Prediction of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Changes in the North Pacific”. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 18, 210 pp.
P: 0-9685100-7-8
W: 1-897176-25-2
No. 17
Megrey, B.A., Taft, B.A. and Peterson, W.T. (Eds.) 2001. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 2000 BASS, MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2001 BASS/MODEL Workshop. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 17, 125 pp.
P: 0-9685100-6-X
No. 16
Expert Groups: MEQ
Stehr, C.M. and Horiguchi, T. (Eds.) 2001. Environmental Assessment of Vancouver Harbour Data Report for the PICES MEQ Practical Workshop. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 16, 213 pp.
P: 0-9685100-5-1
W: 1-897176-27-9
No. 15
Megrey, B.A., Taft, B.A. and Peterson, W.T. (Eds.) 2000. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Report of the 1999 MONITOR and REX Workshops, and the 2000 MODEL Workshop on Lower Trophic Level Modelling. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 15, 148 pp.
P: 0-9685100-4-3
W: 1-897176-28-7
No. 14 [download pdf, 1.31 Mb]
Hunt, G.L. Jr., Kato, H. and McKinnell, S.M. (Eds.) 2000. Predation by Marine Birds and Mammals in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 14, 168 pp.
P: 0-9685100-3-5
W: 1-897176-29-5
No. 13 [download pdf, 0.49 Mb]
Danchenkov, M.A., Aubrey, D.G. and Hong, G.H. 2000. Bibliography of the Oceanography of the Japan/East Sea. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 13, 99 pp.
P: 0-9685100-2-7
W: 1-897176-30-9
No. 12
Lobanov, V.B., Nagata, Y. and Riser, S.C. (Eds.) 1999. Proceedings of the Second PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 12, 203 pp.
P: 0-9685100-1-9
W: 1-897176-31-7
No. 11
Dugdale, R.C., Hay, D.E., McFarlane, G.A., Taft, B.A. and Yoo, S. (Eds.) 1999. PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity: Summary of the 1998 MODEL, MONITOR and REX Workshops, and Task Team Reports. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 11, 88 pp.
P: 0-9685100-0-0
W: 1-897176-32-5
No. 10
Freeland, H.J., Peterson, W.T. and Tyler, A. (Eds.) 1999. Proceedings of the 1998 Science Board Symposium on The Impacts of the 1997/98 El Niño Event on the North Pacific Ocean and Its Marginal Seas. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 10, 110 pp.
P: 0-9698420-9-0
W: 1-897176-33-3
No. 9 [download pdf, 0.5 MB]
Hollowed, A.B., Ikeda, T., Radchenko, V.I. and Wada, T. (Organizers) 1998. PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Workshop on the Development of Cooperative Research in Coastal Regions of the North Pacific. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 9, 59 pp.
P: 0-9698420-8-2
W: 1-897176-34-1
No. 8 [download pdf, 10 MB]
Nagata, Y. and Lobanov, V.B. (Eds.) 1998. Multilingual Nomenclature of Place and Oceanographic Names in the Region of the Okhotsk Sea. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 8, 57 pp. (Reprint from MIRC Science Report, No. 1, 1998)
P: 0-9698420-7-4
W: 1-897176-35-X
No. 7 [download pdf, 2.17 MB]
Expert Groups: TT-BASS, TT-MODEL, TT-REX
Beamish, R.J., Hollowed, A.B., Perry, R.I., Radchenko, V.I., Yoo, S. and Terazaki, M. (Eds.) 1997. Summary of the Workshop on Conceptual/Theoretical Studies and Model Development and the 1996 MODEL, BASS and REX Task Team Reports. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 7, 93 pp.
P: 0-9698420-6-6
W: 1-897176-36-8
No. 6
Anonymous. 1996. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 6, 426 pp.
P: 0-9698420-5-8
W: 1-897176-37-6
No. 5 [download pdf, 3.5 MB]
Expert Group: WG-7
LeBlond, P.H. and Endoh, M. (Eds.) 1996. Modelling of the Subarctic North Pacific Circulation (Report of Working Group 7). PICES Sci. Rep. No. 5, 91 pp.
P: 0-9698420-4-X
W: 1-897176-38-4
No. 4 [download pdf, 0.5 MB]
Hargreaves, N.B. (Ed.) 1996. Science Plan, Implementation Plan (Report of the PICES-GLOBEC International Program on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity). PICES Sci. Rep. No. 4, 64 pp.
P: 0-9698420-3-1
W: 1-897176-39-2
No. 3 [download pdf, 3 Mb]
Anonymous. 1995. Report of the PICES-STA Workshop on Monitoring Subarctic North Pacific Variability. PICES Sci. Rep. No. 3, 94 pp.
P: 0-9698420-2-3
W: 1-897176-40-6
No. 2 [pdf, 5 Mb]
Expert Group: WG-1
Talley, L.D. and Nagata, Y. (Eds.) 1995. The Okhotsk Sea and Oyashio Region (Report of Working Group 1). PICES Sci. Rep. No. 2, 227 pp.
P: 0-9698420-0-7
W: 1-897176-41-4
No. 1 Part 1: Coastal Pelagic Fishes, No. 1 Part 2: Subarctic Gyre [pdf, 2.6 Mb]
Expert Group: WG-3
Hargreaves, N.B., Hunter, J.R., Sugimoto, T. and Wada, T. (Eds.) 1993. Coastal Pelagic Fishes (Report of Working Group 3); Subarctic Gyre (Report of Working Group 6). PICES Sci. Rep. No. 1, 130 pp.


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