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Theme 3

Friday, April 21, 2006

David L. Mackas and Kazuaki Tadokoro (Invited)
Zooplankton of the eastern and western subarctic Pacific: Similarities in the face of strong decadal variability and contrasting mean environments [pdf, 2.7 Mb]

R.C. Francis, J.E. Little, J.F. Kitchell, I. Kaplan, J.C. Field, K. Aydin, M. Dalton, S. Gaichas, J. Hinke, S. Martell, R. Olson, C. Walters and G. Watters
Comparison of climate impacts on five fishery ecosystems of the North Pacific [pdf, 1.9 Mb]

Andrew Thomas, P. Ted Strub and Peter Brickley
Does phytoplankton biomass vary out-of-phase in the California Current and Gulf of Alaska on interannual time scales? [pdf, 2.9 Mb]

Rubén Rodríguez-Sánchez and Daniel Lluch-Belda
Spatial dynamics of small pelagic fish in the California Current system on the regime time-scale. Parallel processes in other species-ecosystems [pdf, 6.4 Mb]

Akinori Takasuka, Yoshioki Oozeki, Hiroshi Kubota and Ichiro Aoki
Why were anchovy and sardine regime shifts synchronous across the Pacific? [pdf, 1.4 Mb]

Akihiko Yatsu and CFAME Task Team
Mechanistic linkages of fish population dynamics to climatic forcing: Comparative study on selected stocks representing five life-history strategies in the North Pacific [pdf, 2.5 Mb]

Douglas Hay, Kenneth A. Rose, Jake Schweigert and Bernard A. Megrey
Geographic variation in herring populations in the North Pacific: Understanding latitudinal responses to climate change [will be posted later]

Kenneth A. Rose, Bernard A. Megrey, Shin-ichi Ito, Francisco Werner, Douglas Hay, Maki Noguchi Aita, Yasuhiro Yamanaka, Michio J. Kishi, Jake Schweigert, Matthew Birch Foster, Dan Ware, David Eslinger, Robert Klumb and S. Lan Smith
Geographic variation in fish growth and population responses to regime shifts in the North Pacific: A comparison of herring and saury using NEMURO.FISH, a coupled fish bioenergetics and NPZ model [pdf, 1.2 Mb]

R. Ian Perry, Jake Schweigert and Kenneth A. Rose
Carrying capacity and climate change: Drivers and responses of North Pacific fish populations [will be posted later]

Randall M. Peterman, Brigitte Dorner, Steven L. Haeseker, Brian J. Pyper and Franz J. Mueter
Kalman-filter reconstructions emphasize the importance of regional-scale (< 800 km) environmental processes in driving temporal variation in recruits per spawner in Northeastern Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) populations [pdf, 0.4 Mb]

C. Tracy Shaw, Leah R. Feinberg, William T. Peterson, Alexei Pinchuk, William Sydeman, Hiroya Sugisaki, Irina Bragina, Se-Jong Ju and Jaime Gómez-Gutiérrez
A pan-Pacific comparison of the biology of Euphausia pacifica [pdf, 0.5 Mb]

William J. Sydeman, Yutaka Watanuki, Alexander S. Kitaysky, Christine L. Abraham, Julie A. Thayer, K. David Hyrenbach, Ken H. Morgan, Mark A. Hipfner, Leslie Slater and Chester E. Grosch
Marine birds and ocean climate in the North Pacific: A Meta-Analysis [pdf, 1.5 Mb]

S.M. McKinnell
Pacific salmon and climate at the onset of the 21st century; What concepts survived the CCCC decade and what new questions have emerged? [will be posted later]



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