Time Series of the Northeast Pacific:
A symposium to mark the 50th anniversary of Line-P

Scientific Program

ORAL PRESENTATIONS will be given by INVITED SPEAKERS only (please check the schedule).

We invite POSTERS (all contributed papers will be in the poster sessions) that address the value of open ocean time series sections in the NE Pacific, or that compare observations from time-series in other regions with the NE Pacific, on the specific themes.


  • Theme 1: Overview of time series of the NE Pacific
    This focuses on general aspects of time series in the NE Pacific. It includes a review of the importance of long time series in the ocean and overviews of specific time series, such as CalCOFI, The Newport Line, The GAK time series and HOTS;

  • Theme 2: Physical, chemical and biological variability in NE Pacific time series
    This focuses mostly on Line-P results, including presentations on the physical variability, plankton and biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem modelling;

  • Theme 3: Process studies in the NE Pacific
    This focuses on process studies in the NE Pacific including discussion of the factors influencing gas exchange, the SERIES iron fertilization experiment, and the influence of eddies and mesoscale variability in the region;

  • Discussion Panel
    The third day of the symposium will finish with a panel discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the Line-P program as it has been executed to date;

  • Workshop on the future of Line-P program
    There will be a one-day workshop on the fourth day of the symposium for those who plan to carry out research and be active participants in the Line-P program and to discuss the general future of Line-P.

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