A critique of what we
are doing and suggest improvements
Line-P surveys
have been going on now for 50 years. We would like to get opinions
on how we are doing, how useful the observations are, what we have
done well and what needs improvement. We are inviting a diverse
group of knowledgeable people to offer bouquets or brickbats, about
Line-P and about the presentations at the workshop. We envision
that each panel member will present his/her views in five minutes
and respond to questions. This will be followed by an open discussion
between the panel and the floor. The discussions will be recorded
and used as guidance for the Saturday discussions.
NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, USA
Diana Varela
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
William Crawford
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney,
BC, Canada
Doug Bancroft
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Ricardo Letelier
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
on the future of the Line-P program: (back to the top)
There will be a one-day workshop on the fourth day of the symposium
for those who plan on carrying out research and being active participants
in the Line-P program to discuss the future of Line-P.
All of those who plan to do research along Line-P, and any other
interested scientists, are invited to take part in a moderated discussion
on the Saturday morning which will extend into the afternoon as
required to lay out plans for the future of Line-P. Presentations
will first be invited in an informal setting; speakers may show
a brief PowerPoint presentation with a strict limit of three (3)
slides per presentation. This will be followed by a discussion on
priorities for future research.
The object is to develop new partnerships and collaborations to
guide future endeavours along Line-P. Bring your ideas, slides,
imagination etc.
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