Edward J. Gregr, Stephen Ban, Ryan Coatta and Andrew W. Trites
Ecological characterization of Steller sea lion terrestrial sites (pdf,
1.1 Mb)
W.J. Sydeman, J. Jahncke, B.L. Saenz, C. Rintoul and R.
2005: An Unprecedented Breeding Failure for Planktivorous Auklets in the
Central CCS (pdf, 1.2
Yutaka Watanuki, Motohiro Itoh and Hiroshi Minami
Do parents of seabirds feed chicks with prey that is different from their
own? (pdf, 1
Aleksey Yu. Merzlyakov, Elena P. Dulepova and Valerii
I. Chuchukalo
Modern state of pelagic communities in the Okhotsk Sea (pdf, 0.6
Tomio Miyashita, Valery L. Vladimirov and Hidehiro Kato
Current status of cetaceans in the Sea of Okhotsk (pdf, 2.7
Rolf R. Ream and Vladimir Burkalov
Trends in abundance of Steller sea lions and northern fur seals across
the North Pacific Ocean
(pdf, 6 Mb)
Yuri M. Yakovlev and Olga Yu. Tyurneva
Photo-identification of the western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
on the northeastern Sakhalin shelf, Russia, 2002-2004 (pdf, 0.7