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Session 11. Ecological and human social analyses and issues relating to Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

Masahito Hirota (Japan)
Jianguang Fang (China)
Mitsutaku Makino (Japan)
Grant Murray (Canada)
Naesun Park (Korea)
Mark Wells (USA)

Invited Speakers:
Thierry Chopin (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Mark Flaherty (University of Victoria, Canada)
Susanna Nurdjaman (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
Suhendar I Sachoemar (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia)

Several recent studies and reports suggest that increased aquaculture production is essential if we are to meet the growing world demands for marine protein. However, the rapid current development of intensive fed aquaculture (e.g., finfish and shrimp), in both developed and developing countries, has generated concerns about the environmental impacts of these often monospecific practices. To help address such issues, Integrated Multi- Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) has been attracting global attention as a means to conduct aquaculture activities, while at the same time improving/rehabilitating coastal environmental conditions and improving the well-being of the people living in coastal areas. By integrating fed aquaculture with inorganic and organic extractive aquaculture (seaweed and invertebrates), the wastes of one resource become a resource (fertilizer or food) for the others. This “ecosystem-like” approach provides nutrient bioremediation capabilities, mutual benefits to the co-cultured organisms, economic diversification by production of other value-added marine products, and increased profitability and food security for the local community. This session seeks contributions and
case studies of how to implement and conduct IMTA activities, in particular that reduce negative impacts to the quality of the local environment and improve the well-being of the local human communities. Examples of activities in tropical and semi-tropical locations are particularly welcome, as well as examples of general methods and approaches that can be applied in many different environments. This session is a contribution of, and towards, the work of the PICES Project on Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Being (MarWeB).

Wednesday, October 22

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA): An environmentally, economically and societally responsible aquanomic approach to farming the sea with many variations (Invited)
Thierry Chopin
[permission to post denied, contact presenter]

Obtaining a social license for IMTA: Challenges and opportunities in British Columbia, Canada (Invited)
Mark Flaherty
[pdf, 4 Mb]

The effect of multi-trophic aquaculture on nutrient loading in fish and shrimp ponds, Karawang Indonesia
Mark L. Wells, Mitsutaku Makino, Suhendar I. Sachoemar and Masahito Hirota
[pdf, 2 Mb]

Dissemination of SATO UMI for sustainable aquaculture development in Indonesia (Invited)
Suhendar I. Sachoemar, Tetsuo Yanagi, Mitsutaku Makino, Mark L. Wells, Masahito Hirota and Ratu
Siti Aliah
[pdf, 8 Mb]

Implementation of SATO UMI concept at pond aquaculture in Karawang, Indonesia (Invited)
Susanna Nurdjaman, Tetsuo Yanagi and Suhendar I. Sachoemar
[waiting for an updated version]

Social-ecological studies towards the integrated management of local fisheries in North- Eastern Hokkaido, Japan
Emmanuel A. Sweke, Rotaro Okazaki, Yumi Kobayashi, Mitsutaku Makino and Yasunori Sakurai
[pdf, 2 Mb]

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