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Workshop 1. Top predators as indicators of climate change: Statistical techniques, challenges and opportunitiess
Steven J. Bograd (USA)
Elliott Hazen (USA)
Takashi Yamamoto (Japan)
Invited Speakers:
Emanuele Di Lorenzo (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Jeffrey Polovina (Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, NOAA-Fisheries, USA)
William J. Sydeman (Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research, USA)
Kevin Weng (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
Top predators such as fish, turtles, marine mammals, and seabirds integrate multiple lower trophic level processes and can also exert top-down control of marine food webs. Climate change and variability affect the timing and productivity of pelagic ecosystems. This variability is integrated into the life histories of top predators, potentially affecting their breeding patterns, migration strategies, diets, and ultimately fitness and reproductive success. Pan-Pacific data about top predators are generated by surveys, animal tracking studies, dietary analyses, and measurements of reproductive performance. Environmental and climate data can be synthesized and compared to ecosystem responses in many locations. This workshop invites participants to present and to discuss topics that address: (1) oceanographic and top predator datasets that can be used to examine responses to climate variability and change, (2) statistical techniques that can be used in differentiating top predator responses to climate variability and climate change, (3) identification of sentinel species that respond directly to climate effects and can be used as leading indicators of ecosystem state, and (4) synthetic approaches to understanding how climate variability and change is incorporated in top predator distribution, abundance, or foraging datasets. From the workshop, a pan-Pacific meta-analysis and review paper examining this subject are planned.
Gadea Pérez-Andújar, Christina Comfort and Kevin Weng
Deep-water sharks: Their ability to withstand hypoxic conditions provides hints on how animals
may respond to climate change (9326) [pdf, 11 Mb]
Rachael A. Orben, Rosana Paredes, Daniel D. Roby, Richard Phillips, David B. Irons and Scott A. Shaffer
Annual variation in habitat use of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) wintering in the sub-arctic North Pacific (9320)
(permission to post denied, contact presenter)
William J. Sydeman, Sarah Ann Thompson, Julie A. Thayer, Mike Litzow, Marisol Garcia-Reyes, Jarrod A. Santora, Heather Renner, John F. Piatt and Yutaka Watanuki (Invited)
Challenges and opportunities for assessment and attribution of climate change impacts on North Pacific seabirds (9375) [pdf, 3 Mb]
Takashi Yamamoto, Akinori Takahashi, Katsufumi Sato, Nariko Oka and Yutaka Watanuki
Spatial utilization of streaked shearwaters in the Northwestern Pacific (9382)
(permission to post denied, contact presenter)
Robert M. Suryan, Amanda J. Gladics, Julia K. Parrish, Elizabeth A. Daly and William T. Peterson
Diet composition and isotopic signatures of sentinel species as indicators of climate change (9370) [pdf, 2 Mb]
Chandra Goetsch, Melinda Conners, Yoko Mitani, William Walker, Samantha E. Simmons, Colleen Reichmuth, Suzanne Budge and Daniel P. Costa
Climate variability is linked to diet switching in a marine predator, the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostrus) (9316) [pdf, 3 Mb]
Jeffrey Polovina, Jason Baker, George Balazs and Denise Parker (Invited)
Loggerhead sea turtles and Hawaiian monk seals as sentinels of climate change in the central North Pacific (9286) [pdf, 2 Mb]
Kevin Weng, Gen Del Raye, Christina Comfort, Gadea Pérez-Andújar and Danielle Garcia (Invited)
Fish futures: Observation, adaptation and response to climate change (9395) [pdf, 5 Mb]
Briana H. Witteveen, Kate M. Wynne and Lei Guo
Whales as sentinels in a changing marine environment in the Gulf of Alaska (9285) [pdf, 5 Mb]