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issue (pdf 3.1 MB)
- The 2007 inter-sessional Science Board and Governing Council meeting:
A note from the Chairman (p.1 pdf,
0.1 Mb)
- Getting to the “FUTURE” (p.3 pdf,
0.1 Mb)
- The 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium: A review (p.5
0.5 Mb)
- Conference for Early Career Scientists: An unqualified success (p.11
0.4 Mb)
- ESSAS meets in Hakodate, Japan (p.14 pdf,
0.3 Mb)
- Fifth International Conference on “Marine Bioinvasions”
and a joint meeting of ICES, IOC, IMO and PICES working groups on invasive
species (p.18, cont.p.31 pdf,
< 0.1 Mb)
- The CREAMS/PICES Advisory Panel meets in Qindao, China (p.19 pdf,
< 0.1 Mb)
- Report of the CFAME workshop to develop a work plan for CCCC synthesis
pdf, 0.1 Mb)
- PICES Calendar (p.21 pdf,
0.1 Mb)
- The state of the western North Pacific in the second half of 2006
(p.22 pdf,
0.4 Mb)
- The Bering Sea: Current status and recent event (p.24
pdf, 0.2 Mb)
- Recent trends in the subarctic NE Pacific: Cooling of 2006 continues
into 2007 (p.26
pdf, 0.3 Mb)
- Mexican fisheries sciences and marine ecosystem modeling in La Paz,
Mexico (p.28 pdf,
0.2 Mb)
- Two major prizes awarded to PICES/NEMURO family of ecosystem modelers
(p.30 pdf,
0.1 Mb)
- Strolling through end-to-end bioenergetic ecosystems: On-line comparison
of NEMURO.FISH and APECOSM equations (p.32
pdf,< 0.1 Mb)