FUTURE Scientific Program:
Forecasting and Understanding Trends, Uncertainty and Responses of
North Pacific Marine Ecosystems

(Oct. 2009 - )

Shortly after the development of the Science Plan and Implementation Plan of FUTURE, it was realized that the numerous and diverse activities of FUTURE would require specialists devoted to specific problems, and likely the creation of new Expert Groups (EGs). The complex and multidisciplinary issues involved in the concepts of resilience, vulnerability, climate and anthropogenic forcing of marine and coastal ecosystems, and the impacts and interactions of ecosystem changes with human populations, required a “ROADMAP” to understand where we are now, where we want to be in the FUTURE, and what are the obstacles and routes to achieve the objectives set forth by the science program. The roadmap emerged initially from discussions held at a FUTURE workshop in Busan, Korea in May 2012. It has been iteratively updated subsequently at ca. six month intervals. Updating is necessary as new EGs are formed to tackle additional tasks within the FUTURE framework, and existing EGs complete their tasks, filling gaps, but also potential revealing new scientific needs. Some tasks proceed on schedule, others fall behind schedule, and for the strength of the program it is important to track progress on all aspects of FUTURE, which is the raison d’être for the FUTURE ROADMAP.

Downlad pdf files (Roadmap 1, Roadmap 2)



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