PICES 2009 International Summer School on Satellite Oceanography for the Earth Environment

August 25-28, 2009, Seoul, Korea, Seoul National University

Steering Committee

International Organizing Committee

Prof. Kyung-Ae Park
Dep. of Earth Science Education, Seoul National University, Korea
Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Korea

Prof. Joji Ishizaka
Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, Japan

Prof. Kyung-Ryul Kim
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea
Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Korea

Dr. Yu-Hwan Ahn
Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing & Observation Technology Research Dept.
Korea Ocean Res. & Dev. Inst., Korea

Dr. Ae-Sook Suh
Korea Meteorology Administration, Korea


International Adivisory Committee

Prof. Sei-Ichi Saitoh
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan

Dr. Sinjae Yoo
Korea Ocean Res. & Dev. Inst., Korea

Dr. Junwu Tang
National Satellite Ocean Application Service, China

Dr. Young-Sang Suh
National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, Korea

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