August 23-26, 2008, Hakodate, Japan , Faculty of Fisheries
Sciences, Hokkaido University
1) Hakodate Smile Hotel
20 rooms have been booked at a discount price (5500 JPY including breakfast)
from 22nd to 25th. The hotel is located in front of the Japan Rail - Hakodate Station which
can be reached very economically by airport bus (310JPY). Daily bus service between
the hotel and the university campus will be provided. These rooms are for early career scientists. If
you want to use this hotel, send the accommodation form to Prof. Sakurai. Fax
number is printed on the form.
2) Hakodate Kokusai Hotel
Single bed rooms at Hakodate Kokusai Hotel have been reserved for summer
school participants (for senior scientists) with a special rate.
Please specify your preferred accommodation on the Application
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