Country/Region | Family Name | First Name | Registrant Type | Payment Info | Payment Date: month/day/year |
Australia | Jones | Ian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/17/2016 |
Canada | Boldt | Jennifer | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Canada | Bourne | Christina | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/10/2016 |
Canada | Brosset | Pablo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/20/2017 |
Canada | Carolsfeld | Joachim (Yogi) | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Canada | Chuenpagdee | Ratana | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Cleary | Jaclyn | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/1/2017 |
Canada | Cosandey-Godin | Aurelie | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Dower | John | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/28/2017 |
Canada | Duguid | William | Student | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Canada | Gauthier | Stephane | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/27/2017 |
Canada | Grant | Heather | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/14/2016 |
Canada | Hay | Douglas | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/1/2017 |
Canada | Hunt | Brian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
Canada | Juanes | Francis | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
Canada | Kamada | Daigo | Student | InterFund | |
Canada | Kumar | Rajeev | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 5/10/2016 |
Canada | Lam | Mimi | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 5/10/2016 |
Canada | Licandeo | Roberto | Student | Paid | 11/3/2017 |
Canada | Loos | Eduardo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Canada | McIsaac | James | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/4/2017 |
Canada | Mowbray | Fran | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/13/2017 |
Canada | Muntoni | Manuel | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Canada | Murphy | Hannah | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/13/2017 |
Canada | Pakhomov | Evgeny | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
Canada | Pascoe | Emma | Student | Paid | 2/28/2017 |
Canada | Pauly | Daniel | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/9/2017 |
Canada | Pitcher | Tony | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 5/10/2016 |
Canada | Robert | Dominique | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Schleit | Kathryn | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 10/14/2016 |
Canada | Scott | Jeffrey | Student | Paid | 3/4/2017 |
Canada | Shaffer | Anne | Student | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Canada | Shikon | Violaine | Student | Paid | 1/6/2017 |
Canada | Smith | Wade | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 5/10/2016 |
Canada | Sumaila | Rashid | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/6/2017 |
Canada | Swain | Doug | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/1/2017 |
Canada | Walters | Carl | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Canada | Wang | Rachel | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Yazvenko | Julia | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Waived | |
Chile | Alarcón | Ruben | Student | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Chile | Aranis | Antonio | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2017 |
Chile | Barbieri | Maria Angela | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/28/2017 |
Chile | Canales | Mariella | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/13/2016 |
Chile | Castro | Leonardo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Chile | Cerna | Francisco | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/15/2016 |
Chile | Hernández Santoro | Carola | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Chile | Lang | Carolina | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2017 |
Chile | Neira | Sergio | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Chile | Plaza | Guido | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/27/2016 |
Chile | Quiñones | Renato | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 10/18/2016 |
Chile | Saavedra | Alvaro | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2017 |
Chile | Sepulveda | Aquiles | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Chile | Soto | Samuel | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Chile | Vásquez | Sebastian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Chile | Walker | Karen | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Chile | Yáñez | Eleuterio | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
China, PR | Ma | Shuyang | Student | InterFund | |
China, PR | Tian | Yongjun | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
China, PR | Yan | Yunrong | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Denmark | lund | Henrik | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/4/2017 |
Denmark | Pedersen | Søren Anker | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/26/2016 |
Denmark | Sparholt | Henrik | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/6/2016 |
Denmark | Sparrevohn | Claus | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Denmark | Wawrzynski | Wojciech | Co-ordinator (Symposium/Meeting) | Waived | |
France | Bertrand | Arnaud | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
France | Bertrand | Sophie | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
France | Gatti | Paul | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/17/2017 |
France | Pecquerie | Laure | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
France | Petitgas | Pierre | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | InterFund | |
France | Queiros | Quentin | Student | Paid | 5/3/2017 |
France | ROY | Claude | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/6/2017 |
France | Saraux | Claire | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 5/3/2017 |
France | Trenkel | Verena | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 10/25/2016 |
Germany | Alheit | Juergen | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Waived | |
Germany | Bils | Franziska | Student | Paid | 1/6/2017 |
Germany | Günther | Claudia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/12/2016 |
Germany | Kotterba | Paul | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/16/2017 |
Germany | Moll | Dorothee | Student | Paid | 1/9/2017 |
Germany | Paulsen | Matthias | Student | Paid | 2/27/2017 |
Greece | Politikos | Dimitrios | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/26/2017 |
Greece | Somarakis | Stylianos | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 1/10/2016 |
Greece | Triantafyllou | George | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/14/2016 |
Iceland | Kvaavik | Cecilia | Student | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Iceland | Olafsdottir | Anna | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Iceland | Óskarsson | Gudmundur | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
India | Maity | Sourav | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
India | Stephen | Rosamma | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Indonesia | Putri | Mutiara | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Indonesia | Sartimbul | Aida | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Iran | Vahabnezhad | Arezoo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Italy | Barange | Manuel | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | InterFund | |
Italy | Koranteng | Kwame | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Italy | Malavolti | Sara | Student | Paid | 2/24/2017 |
Italy | Tandstad | Merete | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 2/27/2017 |
Japan | Hayashi | Akira | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Japan | Ichinokawa | Momoko | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 10/20/2016 |
Japan | Ito | Shin-ichi | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 1/24/2017 |
Japan | Itoh | Sachihiko | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/15/2017 |
Japan | Kamimura | Yasuhiro | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/7/2017 |
Japan | Makino | Mitsutaku | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 9/27/2016 |
Japan | Minobe | Shoshiro | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 5/3/2017 |
Japan | Nakata | Hideaki | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/19/2017 |
Japan | Okazaki | Yuji | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/12/2016 |
Japan | Oozeki | Yoshioki | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 2/9/2016 |
Japan | Oyaizu | Hitomi | Student | InterFund | |
Japan | Saito | Hiroaki | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Japan | Sakamoto | Tatsuya | Student | Paid | 2/17/2017 |
Japan | Takasuka | Akinori | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | Paid | 9/1/2016 |
Japan | Watari | Shingo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/13/2016 |
Japan | Zavolokin | Aleksandr | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 1/11/2017 |
Korea, R | Kim | Suam | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/14/2016 |
Korea, R | Lee | Hwa Hyun | Student | InterFund | |
México | Gallardo | Luis | Student | InterFund | |
México | Izquierdo-Peña | Vanessa | Student | InterFund | |
México | Lluch-Cota | Salvador | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 7/3/2017 |
México | Rodríguez-Sánchez | Rubén | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/10/2016 |
México | Saldívar-Lucio | Romeo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Morocco | Charouki | Najib | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Morocco | Lakhnigue | Aziza | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Norway | Berg | Florian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/24/2017 |
Norway | Claireaux | Marion | Student | Paid | 2/7/2017 |
Norway | dos Santos Schmidt | Thassya | Student | Paid | 10/15/2016 |
Norway | Huse | Geir | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 11/16/2016 |
Norway | Johannessen | Tore | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/11/2017 |
Norway | Kjesbu | Olav Sigurd | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/1/2017 |
Norway | Nikolioudakis | Nikolaos | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/11/2016 |
Norway | Opdal | Anders | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Norway | Ostrowski | Marek | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
Norway | Skagseth | Øystein | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Norway | Slotte | Aril | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/24/2017 |
Norway | Stenevik | Erling Kåre | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/23/2017 |
Norway | Sundby | Svein | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 10/17/2016 |
Norway | Toresen | Reidar | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Norway | Zimmermann | Fabian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
Peru | Alegre Norza Sior | Ana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Peru | Ayón | Patricia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Peru | Buitron | Betsy | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Peru | Csirke | Jorge | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/1/2017 |
Peru | Grados | Carmen | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Peru | Grados Paredes | Daniel Isaias | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Peru | Gutierrez | Dimitri | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Peru | Gutierrez | Mariano | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Peru | Lau-Medrano | Luis | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Peru | Luján Paredes | Criscely | Student | InterFund | |
Peru | Majluf | Patricia | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 9/26/2016 |
Peru | Moron Correa | Giancarlo | Student | InterFund | |
Peru | Niquen | Miguel | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/13/2017 |
Peru | Riveros | JC | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/30/2016 |
Philippines | Bagarinao | Alexanra | Student | InterFund | |
Philippines | De Guzman | Asuncion | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Philippines | Deauna | Josephine Dianne | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Philippines | Flores | Jimely | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Philippines | Napata | Ruby | Student | InterFund | |
Poland | Calkiewicz | Joanna | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/28/2016 |
Poland | Margonski | Piotr | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/24/2016 |
Poland | Smoliński | Szymon | Student | Paid | 2/6/2017 |
Portugal | Boavida-Portugal | Joana | Student | Paid | 2/27/2017 |
Portugal | Garrido | Susana | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | InterFund | |
Portugal | Silva | Alexandra | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Portugal | Silva | Andreia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
Portugal | Soares | Claudia | Student | Paid | 2/28/2017 |
Portugal | Wise | Laura | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Russia | Krovnin | Andrey | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
Russia | Naydenko | Svetlana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Sénegal | Sambe | Birane | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 2/12/2017 |
South Africa | Groenewald | Grea | Student | InterFund | |
South Africa | Tyler | Tamsyn | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Spain | Albo-Puigserver | Marta | Student | Paid | 12/26/2016 |
Spain | Bachiller | Eneko | Student | Paid | 1/9/2017 |
Spain | Baldó | Francisco | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/1/2017 |
Spain | Boyra | Guillermo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/2/2017 |
Spain | Erauskin | Maite | Student | Paid | 3/5/2017 |
Spain | Garcia Santamaria | M. Teresa | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 4/10/2016 |
Spain | Quintanilla | Jose | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/7/2017 |
Spain | Sánchez-Maroño | Sonia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/2/2017 |
The Netherlands | Kraan | Marloes | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
The Netherlands | Pastoors | Martin | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/16/2017 |
The Netherlands | Peck | Myron | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Amoroso | Ricardo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/21/2017 |
U.S.A. | Arimitsu | Mayumi | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/6/2016 |
U.S.A. | Arsenault | Stephanie | Student | Paid | 2/19/2017 |
U.S.A. | Asch | Rebecca | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
U.S.A. | Baker | Matthew | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/17/2016 |
U.S.A. | Bakun | Andrew | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Black | Bryan | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Brodeur | Richard | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Checkley | David | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 5/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Curchitser | Enrique | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Di Lorenzo | Emanuele | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Dorval | Emmanis | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 2/28/2017 |
U.S.A. | Dressel | Sherri | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/4/2017 |
U.S.A. | Essington | Timothy | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Field | David | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Frick | Kinsey | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/31/2017 |
U.S.A. | Gao | Jin | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 11/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Geers | Tess | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/29/2016 |
U.S.A. | Heintz | Ron | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/23/2017 |
U.S.A. | Himchak | Peter | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/20/2017 |
U.S.A. | Holsman | Kirstin | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Ianelli | James | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Jacobsen | Nis | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
U.S.A. | Jacobson | Kym | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/13/2017 |
U.S.A. | Kagley | Anna | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/31/2017 |
U.S.A. | Kaplan | Isaac | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/20/2017 |
U.S.A. | Koehn | Laura | Student | Paid | 10/5/2016 |
U.S.A. | Liljestrand | Emily | Student | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | McClatchie | Sam | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Mendelssohn | Roy | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Moran | John | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/23/2017 |
U.S.A. | Nesslage | Genevieve | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/15/2016 |
U.S.A. | Noranarttragoon | Pavarot | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/16/2017 |
U.S.A. | Pegau | William | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/27/2016 |
U.S.A. | Punt | Andre' | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Ruzicka | James | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/5/2017 |
U.S.A. | Rykaczewski | Ryan | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Sewall | Fletcher | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/23/2017 |
U.S.A. | Siple | Margaret | Student | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
U.S.A. | Sousa | Leandra | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/16/2016 |
U.S.A. | Surma | Szymon | Student | Paid | 5/10/2016 |
U.S.A. | Sydeman | William | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
U.S.A. | Thayer | Julie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Tommasi | Desiree | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Trochta | John | Student | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
U.S.A. | Turley | Brendan | Student | Paid | 2/18/2017 |
U.S.A. | Werner | Francisco | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Wilson | Matthew | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/23/2017 |
U.S.A. | Zador | Stephani | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Zwolinski | Juan | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 6/3/2017 |
Ukraine | Khrystenko | Dmytro | Student | Paid | 3/2/2017 |
United Kingdom | Auchterlonie | Neil | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/20/2017 |
United Kingdom | Carpi | Piera | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/11/2017 |
United Kingdom | Fernandes | Jose | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
United Kingdom | Sathyendranath | Shubha | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 10/17/2016 |