Registration Summary: Number
of Registrants by Country/Region
30 May - 2 June 2017, Busan, Korea
Go to the Registration Summary page: Registrants
by Country/Region and Name
Total Number of Registrants |
106 |
Country/Region | Number of Registrants |
Australia | 6 |
Bangladesh | 2 |
Brazil | 1 |
Canada | 8 |
Chile | 1 |
China, PR | 7 |
Chinese-Taipei | 1 |
Croatia | 1 |
Denmark | 3 |
Finland | 1 |
France | 1 |
Germany | 7 |
Ghana | 1 |
Hungary | 1 |
India | 2 |
Indonesia | 1 |
Italy | 2 |
Japan | 1 |
Korea, R | 10 |
Latvia | 4 |
Malaysia | 1 |
Mauritius | 1 |
Nigeria | 1 |
Norway | 3 |
Peru | 1 |
Philippines | 4 |
Russia | 11 |
Spain | 1 |
Sweden | 2 |
U.S.A. | 11 |
United Kingdom | 9 |