Country/Region | Family Name | First Name | Registrant Type | Payment Info | Payment Date: month/day/year |
Argentina | Brun | Anahí | Student | InterFund | |
Australia | Babanin | Alexander | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Australia | Caputi | Nick | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/13/2014 |
Australia | Chambers | Lynda | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Australia | Connell | Sean | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Australia | Dutra | Leo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/26/2015 |
Australia | Falkenberg | Laura | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/3/2015 |
Australia | Frusher | Stewart | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Australia | Ghedini | Giulia | Student | Paid | 1/20/2015 |
Australia | Haward | Marcus | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/5/2014 |
Australia | Hobday | Alistair | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/26/2015 |
Australia | Jones | Andrew | Student | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Australia | Munday | Philip | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Australia | Nagelkerken | Ivan | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/4/2015 |
Australia | Pecl | Gretta | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
Australia | Pistevos | Jennifer | Student | Paid | 2/1/2015 |
Australia | Plagányi | Éva | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 1/28/2015 |
Australia | Poloczanska | Elvira | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Australia | Ramos | Jorge | Student | Paid | 3/4/2015 |
Australia | Rossi | Tullio | Student | Paid | 1/14/2015 |
Australia | Russell | Bayden | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/23/2015 |
Australia | Shaw | Jenny | Student | Paid | 12/22/2014 |
Australia | van Putten | Ingrid | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/29/2015 |
Australia | Watson | Sue-Ann | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/10/2015 |
Australia | Welch | Megan | Student | Paid | 10/28/2014 |
Bangladesh | Ahmed | Nesar | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Bangladesh | Islam | Mohammad | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Belgium | Goffart | Anne | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
Benin | Bonou | Frederic | Student | Paid | 3/2/2015 |
Brazil | Alves | Raisa | Student | Paid | 1/2/2015 |
Brazil | Attisano | Karina | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Avila | Jannine | Student | Paid | 1/9/2015 |
Brazil | Barros | Francisco | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Brazil | Bergstrom | Ellie | Student | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | Bernardino | Angelo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Bezerra | Denilson | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | Botana | Marina | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Calil | Paulo | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Carvalho | Iarema | Student | Paid | 3/24/2015 |
Brazil | Contreira-Pereira | Leonardo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Copertino | Margareth | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Cotrim da Cunha | Leticia | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | De Freitas | Debora | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Echeveste | Pedro | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Elliff | Carla | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
Brazil | Faggiani Dias | Daniela | Student | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
Brazil | Fernandino | Gerson | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
Brazil | Ferreira Mansur | Maria Eduarda | Student | Paid | 10/1/2015 |
Brazil | Freitas | Lourianne | Student | Paid | 10/21/2014 |
Brazil | Gasalla | Maria | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Brazil | Gazzarolle | Roberta | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
Brazil | Gorman | Daniel | Student | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Brazil | Gusmao | Felipe | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Hatje | Vanessa | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/24/2015 |
Brazil | Horta | Paulo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | Ito | Rosane | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | Kawakami | Silvia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/24/2015 |
Brazil | Kerr | Rodrigo | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Brazil | Kikuchi | Ruy | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Martinelli Filho | José | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Brazil | Martins | Ivan | Student | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Brazil | Martins | Rodrigo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Brazil | Muller | Marius | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/18/2014 |
Brazil | Nascimento | Rodolfo | Student | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Brazil | Orselli | Iole | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Orte | Manoela | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Pecora | Iracy | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 2/11/2015 |
Brazil | Pereira | Camila | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Pereira | Edson | Student | InterFund | |
Brazil | Perretti | Adriana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Brazil | Pinaya | Walter | Student | Paid | 3/9/2015 |
Brazil | Pinheiro | Barbara | Student | Paid | 1/19/2015 |
Brazil | Pinheiro | Marcelo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/11/2015 |
Brazil | Rosário | Fátima | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Not Paid | |
Brazil | Sarmento | Visnu | Student | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Brazil | Sartor | Silvia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Brazil | Souza | Tarciane | None or Not At This Time | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Brazil | Turra | Alexander | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Waived | |
Brazil | Wallner-Kersanach | Monica | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Cambodia | Sochivi | Kao | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Anderson | M. Robin | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
Canada | Boyce | Daniel | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Canada | Brown | Robin | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Cheung | William | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Canada | Chiba | Sanae | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Jones | Miranda | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Canada | Juniper | S. | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/5/2015 |
Canada | King | Jackie | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | InterFund | |
Canada | Lecomte | Jean-Baptiste | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
Canada | Lewis | Marlon | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/23/2014 |
Canada | McLaskey | Anna | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
Canada | McLean | Scott | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/25/2015 |
Canada | Peña | Angelica | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
Canada | Rice | Jake | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | InterFund | |
Canada | Richards | Laura | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Canada | Rivkin | Richard | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Canada | Therriault | Thomas | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Canada | Yazvenko | Julia | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Waived | |
Chile | Canete | Juan | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Chile | Lagos | Nelson | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Chile | Riquelme-Bugueño | Ramiro | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Chile | Vargas | Cristian | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
China, PR | Chai | Fei | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
China, PR | Chen | Shang | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
China, PR | Chen | Xingrong | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
China, PR | Gao | Shan | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
China, PR | Jiao | Nianzhi | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
China, PR | Luo | Ya-Wei | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/2/2014 |
China, PR | Miao | Qingsheng | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
China, PR | Qiao | Fangli | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
China, PR | Song | Hongjun | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
China, PR | Tang | DanLing | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
China, PR | Wang | Fengping | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
China, PR | Yang | Jinkun | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
China, PR | Zhang | Chuanlun | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
China, PR | Zhang | Rui | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/1/2014 |
Denmark | Brun | Philipp | Student | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Denmark | Haynie | Alan | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
Denmark | Kellermann | Adolf | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Waived | |
Denmark | Payne | Mark | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 11/10/2014 |
Denmark | Rasmussen | Lauge | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Estonia | Põllumäe | Arno | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/4/2015 |
Faroe Islands | Eliasen | Sólvá | Student | Paid | 2/24/2015 |
Faroe Islands | Hátún | Hjálmar | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Finland | Pecuchet | Laurene | Student | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
France | Abreu De Almeida | Andre | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 3/13/2015 |
France | Douville | Eric | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/6/2015 |
France | Gaill | Françoise | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
France | Gattuso | Jean-Pierre | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
France | Gehlen | Marion | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
France | Guidi | Lionel | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
France | Isensee | Kirsten | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
France | Legendre | Louis | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 11/14/2014 |
France | Lehodey | Patrick | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
France | Mari | Xavier | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
France | Paillard | Christine | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
France | Paulet | Yves-Marie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/6/2014 |
France | Sarthou | Geraldine | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
France | Weinbauer | Markus | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
Germany | Auel | Holger | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
Germany | Biastoch | Arne | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Germany | Cormon | Xochitl | Student | Not Paid | |
Germany | Hagen | Wilhelm | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
Germany | Koenigstein | Stefan | Student | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Germany | Koertzinger | Arne | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Germany | Núñez-Riboni | Ismael | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Germany | Schourup-Kristensen | Vibe | Student | Paid | 2/18/2015 |
Germany | Schukat | Anna | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/28/2015 |
Germany | Tim | Nele | Student | Paid | 1/1/2015 |
Germany | Vieira | Lucia | Student | Paid | 11/2/2014 |
Germany | Werner | Thorsten | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/3/2015 |
Hungary | Pestine Racz | Eva | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/3/2015 |
Hungary | Zseni | Anikó | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/3/2015 |
India | Chaudhary | P. | Student | InterFund | |
India | Ghoshal | Tarumay | Student | InterFund | |
India | Kannan | Gunasekaran | Student | InterFund | |
India | Kripa | V. | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
India | Rahman | Aziz | Student | InterFund | |
India | Senapati | Sibananda | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Italy | Barange | Manuel | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Italy | Cossarini | Gianpiero | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/19/2015 |
Italy | La Ferla | Rosabruna | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/12/2014 |
Japan | Ito | Shin-ichi | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Japan | Minobe | Shoshiro | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Japan | Suda | Ayako | Student | InterFund | |
Japan | Takasuka | Akinori | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/5/2015 |
Japan | Zavolokin | Aleksandr | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Korea, R | Lee | Hwa Hyun | Student | InterFund | |
México | Bojorquez Sanchez | Sara | Student | Paid | 2/17/2015 |
México | Gómez Ocampo | Eliana | Student | InterFund | |
México | Gonzalez | Pedro | Student | InterFund | |
México | Juarez | Miryam | Student | Paid | 3/10/2015 |
Monaco | Osborn | David | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Waived | |
New Zealand | Livingston nee Suzuki | Mary | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/8/2015 |
New Zealand | Neubauer | Philipp | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
Norway | Ardelan | Murat | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/18/2015 |
Norway | Johannessen | Tore | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/26/2015 |
Norway | Nøttestad | Leif | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 10/29/2014 |
Norway | Olsen | Yngvar | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 1/23/2015 |
Norway | Tjiputra | Jerry | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
Norway | Tsagaraki | Tatiana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/9/2014 |
Philippines | Deauna | Josephine Dianne | Student | InterFund | |
Philippines | Lagumen | Mary Chris | Student | InterFund | |
Poland | Brulińska | Dominika | Student | Paid | 2/2/2015 |
Poland | Ospina-Alvarez | Natalia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 12/17/2014 |
Poland | Sokolowski | Adam | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/2/2015 |
Portugal | Boavida-Portugal | Joana | Student | InterFund | |
Portugal | Cacabelos | Eva | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/16/2015 |
Portugal | Dionísio | Gisela | Student | Not Paid | |
Portugal | Figueira | Etelvina | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Portugal | Freitas | Rosa | Student | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
Portugal | Laginha Silva | Patrícia | Student | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
Portugal | Leal | Inês | Student | Paid | 5/1/2015 |
Portugal | Moreira | Anthony | Student | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Portugal | Paula | José | Student | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
Portugal | Rosa | Rui | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/2/2014 |
Portugal | Silva Pimentel Silva | Marta | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
Portugal | Sordo De Las Nieves | Laura | Student | InterFund | |
Portugal | Vinagre | Catarina | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 5/1/2015 |
Russia | Gippius | Fedor | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/24/2015 |
Russia | Maximov | Alexey | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
Russia | Mironov | Illarion | Student | InterFund | |
South Africa | Howard | James | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
South Africa | Moloney | Coleen | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
South Africa | Ortega-Cisneros | Kelly | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
Spain | Troncoso | Jesus | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
Spain | Valdés | Luis | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Waived | |
Sweden | Hammar | Linus | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/2/2015 |
Sweden | Niiranen | Susa | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
Sweden | Perry | Diana | Student | Paid | 3/1/2015 |
Sweden | Yletyinen | Johanna | Student | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
Switzerland | Laufkoetter | Charlotte | Student | Paid | 5/1/2015 |
Thailand | Chavanich | Suchana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/1/2015 |
The Netherlands | Rijkenberg | Micha | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
Togo | BLIVI | Adoté | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
U.S.A. | Allison | Edward | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Asch | Rebecca | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
U.S.A. | Breitburg | Denise | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/30/2015 |
U.S.A. | Burd | Adrian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/30/2014 |
U.S.A. | Choumiline | Konstantin | Student | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Curchitser | Enrique | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Eddy | Tyler | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/24/2015 |
U.S.A. | Field | Chris | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Gao | Yongwen | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/26/2014 |
U.S.A. | Garcia-Reyes | Marisol | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Gauvin | John | Organization/Observer (officially invited) | Paid | 12/10/2014 |
U.S.A. | Gilbert | Rebecca (Bex) | Student | Paid | 2/18/2015 |
U.S.A. | Griffis | Roger | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/25/2015 |
U.S.A. | Haltuch | Melissa | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/12/2015 |
U.S.A. | Hollowed | Anne | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Jacox | Michael | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
U.S.A. | Ji | Rubao | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/22/2015 |
U.S.A. | John | Jasmin | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
U.S.A. | Keister | Julie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
U.S.A. | Kennedy | Chris | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
U.S.A. | Lam | Phoebe | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Levin | Lisa | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Li | Yun | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
U.S.A. | Link | Jason | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Manizza | Manfredi | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Not Paid | |
U.S.A. | McGilliard | Carey | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Mills | Katherine | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 1/31/2015 |
U.S.A. | Mora | Camilo | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Ortiz | Ivonne | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/19/2015 |
U.S.A. | Passow | Uta | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 10/28/2014 |
U.S.A. | Pershing | Andrew | Convenor (Session/Workshop) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
U.S.A. | Pfeiffer | Lisa | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Pilskaln | Cynthia | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/29/2014 |
U.S.A. | Pinsky | Malin | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
U.S.A. | Rodriguez | Carmen | Student | Paid | 1/29/2015 |
U.S.A. | Safford | Thomas | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
U.S.A. | Smith | Allison | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/2/2014 |
U.S.A. | Smith | Jesse | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/24/2015 |
U.S.A. | Spencer | Paul | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Stock | Charles | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/3/2015 |
U.S.A. | Sydeman | William | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/21/2015 |
U.S.A. | Waples | Robin | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | InterFund | |
U.S.A. | Xue | Huijie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/23/2015 |
United Arab Emirates | Abrego | David | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/20/2015 |
United Arab Emirates | Howells | Emily | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/17/2015 |
United Kingdom | Beaulieu | Claudie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
United Kingdom | Birchenough | Silvana | Invited Speaker AND Convenor | InterFund | |
United Kingdom | Burrows | Michael | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 11/13/2014 |
United Kingdom | Caltabiano | Nico | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/10/2015 |
United Kingdom | Engelhard | Georg | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/29/2014 |
United Kingdom | Fernandes | Jose | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/7/2014 |
United Kingdom | Giering | Sari | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
United Kingdom | Griffiths | Christopher | Student | Paid | 12/17/2014 |
United Kingdom | Henson | Stephanie | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/28/2014 |
United Kingdom | Lohan | Maeve | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
United Kingdom | Lynam | Christopher | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/3/2015 |
United Kingdom | Marshall | Abigail | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
United Kingdom | McCarthy | Ian | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/6/2015 |
United Kingdom | Palmiéri | Julien | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/17/2015 |
United Kingdom | Pinnegar | John | Invited Speaker (officially invited) | Paid | 1/23/2015 |
United Kingdom | Queiros | Ana | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 9/5/2014 |
United Kingdom | Robinson | Josie | Student | Paid | 11/3/2014 |
United Kingdom | Rutterford | Louise | Student | Paid | 2/16/2015 |
United Kingdom | Suckling | Coleen | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 1/20/2015 |
United Kingdom | Tinker | Jonathan | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 10/31/2014 |
United Kingdom | Townhill | Bryony | Student | Paid | 12/18/2014 |
United Kingdom | Yool | Andrew | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 3/11/2015 |
Uruguay | Vogler | Rodolfo | Primary (regular full meeting attendee) | Paid | 2/27/2015 |