Session | Paper ID | Presenter | GRANTED Type of Presentation | Potential Replacement | Abstract Title | Authors | Attendance Confirmation | Withdrawals |
S1 (SB) | 15156 | Y-Lin Li | E-Poster | | Analyze the relationship between the fishing conditions of Scomberomorus species and changes in forage species around the waters of Taiwan | Yu-Lin Li, Lu-Chi Chen, Cheng-Hsin Liao, and Kuo-Wei Lan | yes |
S1 (SB) | 15087 | Christian Marchese | E-Poster | | Delineation of marine bioregions of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska using Sentinel-3 Chlorophyll-a data and self-organizing maps | Christian Marchese, Brian Hunt, Fernanda Giannini, Matthew Ehrler, Derek Jacoby, and Maycira Costa | yes LiveOral->E-poster |
S1 (SB) | 15122 | Luo Minbo | E-Poster | | Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton community in the East China Sea | Luo Minbo, Jian Tingting, Zhang Heng, and Wang Yunlong | yes RecordedOral->E-poster |
S1 (SB) | 15137 | Muhamad Naimullah | E-Poster | | Effects of climate variability on the catches and habitat suitability variations of three swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait | Muhamad Naimullah, Yan-Lun Wu, Ming-An Lee, and Kuo-Wei Lan | yes RecordedOral->E-poster |
S1 (SB) | 15148 | Je-Wei Sheu | E-Poster | | Explore the simultaneous characteristics of abundance and habitats of tuna species in the Pacific Ocean | Je-Wei Sheu, Kuo-Wei Lan, Yan-Lun Wu, and Po-Yuan Hsiao | yes |
S1 (SB) | 15152 | NIna Bednarsek | E-Poster | REP-1 | Integrated assessment of ocean acidification risks to pelagic calcifiers in the northern high latitudes: Regional comparison of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity | Nina Bednaršek, Kerry-Ann Naish, Richard Feely, Claudine Hauri, Katsunori Kimoto, Albert J. Hermann, Christine Michel, Andrea Niemi, and Darren Pilcher | RecordedOral->E-poster |
S1 (SB) | 15050 | Iwao Fujii | E-Poster | | Promoting cooperation of monitoring, control, and surveillance for IUU fishing in the Asia-Pacific | Iwao Fujii, Yumi Okochi and Hajime Kawamura | yes LiveOral->E-poster |
S1 (SB) | 15147 | Lee, Wen-Hoa | E-Poster | | The structure of fishery resources and construction of ecosystem model in the southwestern waters of Taiwan. | Wen-Hoa Lee, Kuo-Wei Lan, Che-Chen Chuang, and Wei-Yu Lee | yes |
S1 (SB) | 15042 | Mark Saunders | Oral | | Basin-scale Events to Coastal Impacts (BECI): An ocean intelligence system for a changing world | Mark Saunders, Brian Riddell, Jacques White, Robert Day, Steven Bograd, Robin Brown, and Vladimir Radchenko | yes, received file |
S1 (SB) | 15044 | Shion Takemura | Oral | | Identifying changes of research focuses and potential collaborations in PICES toward the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOS) | Shion Takemura, Karen Hunter, and Mitsutaku Makino | yes S4->S1, received file |
S1 (SB) | 15067 | Vishnu P Suseelan | Oral | | Phytoplankton community composition in the Gulf of Alaska determined using CHEMTAX and OLCI Sentinel 3 satellite data | Vishnu P Suseelan, Hongyan Xi, Justin Del Bel Belluz, Midhun shah Hussain, Astrid Bracher, and Maycira Costa | yes, received file, updated |
S1 (SB) | 15086 | Erin Sattherthwaite | Oral | | The evolving efforts of PICES early career ocean professionals to foster international, intergenerational and cross-sectoral engagement in the North Pacific and beyond | Raphael Roman, Erin Satterthwaite, Hannah Lachance, Aoi Sugimoto, and Cameron Freshwater | yes, received file |
S1 (SB) | 15096 | Sun-Hee Lee | Withdrawal | REP-2 | Jellyfish nuisances reshuffling local fishery patterns and ecological communities in the Korean peninsula | Sun-Hee Lee, Juan Carlos Molinero and Jiang-Shiou Hwang | CANCELLED yes RecordedOral->E-poster |
S2 (POC) | 15129 | Yan-Lun Wu | E-Poster | | Decadal climate indices effect on the spatiotemporal distribution in Indo-Pacific yellowfin tuna population | Yan-Lun Wu, Kuo-Wei Lan, Karen Evans, Muhamad Naimullah, Lu-Chi Chen, Po-Yuan Hsiao, Che-Chen Chuang, and Wei-You Lee | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S2 (POC) | 15165 | Thomas Y. Chen | E-Poster | | Developing Synergies between the U.N. Southern Ocean Task Force and the North Pacific: A Safe Ocean | Thomas Y. Chen | yes, missing submission Late abstract |
S2 (POC) | 15051 | Luz de Lourdes Aurora Coronado-Álvarez | E-Poster | | Ocean acidification in the Pacific off Mexico: How to change the pH values across various regions | Luz de Lourdes Aurora Coronado-Álvarez, and José Martín Hernández-Ayón | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S2 (POC) | 15014 | Wei Yu | E-Poster | | Synchronous changes in potential habitats of Trachurus murphyi and Dosidicus gigas off Chile in relation to regime shift of Pacific Decadal Oscillation | Wei Yu, Zhiping Feng, and Xinjun Chen | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S2 (POC) | 15157 | Che-Chen Chuang | E-Poster | | The annual variations of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) population in related to changed sea surface temperature and multiscale climate indices in the Northwest Pacific Ocean | Che-Chen Chuang, Ming-An Lee, Po-Yuan Hsiao, and Yan-Lun Wu | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S2 (POC) | 15141 | Lu-Chi Chen | E-Poster | | The fishery dynamics of narrow-barred spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) related to oceanographic factors in the southern East China Sea | Lu-Chi Chen, Kuo-Wei Lan, Jinn-Shing Weng, and Chen-Te Tseng | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S2 (POC) | 15049 | Dongliang Yuan | Invited | | Role of the Indo-Pacific oceanic channel dynamics in ENSO development and global climate change | Dongliang Yuan, Xiang Li, Zheng Wang, Jing Wang, Ya Yang, Xiaoyue Hu, Yao Li, Xia Zhao, Corry Corvianawatie, et. al. | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15016 | Virendra Goswami | Oral | | Application of Remote Sensing to Study the Correlation of Climate Variability with Air-Sea CO2 exchange to develop Sea-Level Variability Forecasting Models (SLVFM) Over Tropical Oceanic Regions. | Virendra Goswami | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15089 | Emily Lemagie | Oral | | Multidecadal oceanographic variability over the Bering Sea Inner Shelf | Emily Lemagie, Phyllis Stabeno, Kelly Kearney, and Wei Cheng | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15041 | Lin Liu | Oral | | Preliminary Assessment of Simulated Tropical Pacific SST Warming Based on CMIP Models | Xinyou Zhang and Lin Liu | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15034 | Susan Allen | Oral | | Resilience to climate variability of nutrient delivery and primary productivity in a coastal sea | Susan Allen, Elise Olson, Ben Moore-Maley, and Karyn Suchy | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15154 | Po-Yuan Hsiao | Pre-RecordedOral | | Climate-induced fluctuations in primary production required in summertime upwelling ecosystems around the Taiwan Bank | Po-Yuan Hsiao, Kuo-Wei Lan, Ming-An Lee, and Cheng-Hsin Liao | yes, received file |
S2 (POC) | 15140 | Gian Giacomo Navarra | Pre-RecordedOral | | Predictability and Empirical Dynamics of Fish Indicators in the North Pacific | Gian Giacomo Navarra, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, and Ryan Rykaczewski | yes, received file |
S3 (POC) | 15169 | Shevchenko G | E-Poster | | Diurnal shelf waves in the area of South Kuril Islands from TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry data | Shevchenko G. and Tsoy A. | yes, late abstract |
S3 (POC) | 15081 | Seungyong Lee | E-Poster | | Eddy kinetic energy variability of the Kuroshio Extension and its upstream-downstream connectivity | Seungyong Lee, Hanna Na, and Young-Gyu Park | yes |
S3 (POC) | 15064 | Qicheng Meng | E-Poster | | Impact of submesoscale currents on the vertical transport of nutrient in the East China Sea | Qicheng Meng, Jiliang Xuan, and Feng Zhou | missing submission |
S3 (POC) | 15109 | Khushboo Jhugroo | E-Poster | | River-induced submesoscale processes in a southwest Pacific shelf sea and similarities to a northeast Pacific shelf sea | Khushboo Jhugroo, Joanne O’Callaghan, Craig Stevens, Jennifer Jackson, Stephanie Waterman, Jody Klymak, Tetjana Ross, and Charles Hannah | yes LiveOral->E-poster |
S3 (POC) | 15053 | Yisen Zhong | E-Poster | | Seasonal Variation of the Surface Kuroshio Intrusion into the South China Sea Evidenced by Satellite Geostrophic Streamlines | Yisen Zhong, Meng Zhou, Joanna J. Waniek, Lei Zhou, and Zhaoru Zhang | yes LiveOral->E-poster |
S3 (POC) | 15033 | Olga Trusenkova | E-Poster | | Signal of near inertial waves in Peter the Great Bay, the Japan/East Sea, from ADCP data measured at the WaveScan stationary buoy | Olga Trusenkova, Vyacheslav Lobanov, and Alexander Lazaryuk | yes LiveOral->E-poster |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15074 | Chao Zhang | E-Poster | | Distinct impacts of dust and haze particles on marine phytoplankton | Chao Zhang, Qiang Chu, Yingchun Mu, Xiaohong Yao, and Huiwang Gao | yes |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15084 | Haoyu Jin | E-Poster | | Impact of atmospheric deposition on the utilization of dissolved organic phosphorus by phytoplankton in the Pacific Ocean | Haoyu Jin, Chao Zhang, and Huiwang Gao | yes |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15124 | Sachi Umezawa | E-Poster | | Nutrient consumption by diatom in darkness below the euphotic zone during spring bloom in Funka-bay, Hokkaido, Japan | Sachi Umezawa, Manami Tozawa, Daiki Nomura, Yuichi Nosaka, and Atsushi Ooki | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15146 | Kana Nagashima | E-Poster | | Seasonal Asian dust transport to the western subarctic Pacific based on the cathodoluminescence analysis of single quartz grains | Kana Nagashima, Hajime Kawakami, Koji Sugie, Tetsuichi Fujiki, Yoko Iwamoto, and Maki Noguchi | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15144 | Yoko Iwamoto | Oral | | Dry nitrogen deposition to the eastern Indian Ocean during boreal autumn and its impact on the primary production | Yoko Iwamoto, Katsuhiro Kawamoto, Fumikazu Taketani, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Makio C. Honda, Eko Siswanto, Yugo Kanaya, Takashi Sekiya, Maki N. Aita, and Kazuyo Yamaji | yes, received file |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15153 | Minako Kurisu | Oral | | Estimation of the contribution of combustion Fe in marine aerosols over the North Pacific using Fe stable isotope ratios | Minako Kurisu, Kohei Sakata, Mitsuo Uematsu, Akinori Ito, and Yoshio Takahashi | yes |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15126 | Fumikazu Taketani | Oral | | Impact assessment of deposition of atmospheric nitrogen compounds to the surface chlorophyll-a concentration over Northwestern Pacific Ocean | Fumikazu Taketani, Maki N. Aita, Takashi Sekiya, Kazuyo Yamaji, Kohei Ikeda, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Makio C. Honda, Kosei Sasaoka, and Yugo Kanaya | yes |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15100 | Jiao Wang | Pre-RecordedOral | | The concentrations and depositions of atmospheric particles nutrient into the China adjacent seas | Jiao Wang, Jie Zhang, Xiao huan Liu, Baoshuang Liu, and Huiwang Gao | yes, received file |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15070 | Shijie Jia | Pre-RecordedOral | | The distribution and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in aerosols between a coastal site and marine sites | Shijie Jia and Huiwang Gao | yes, received file |
S5 (BIO/POC) | 15072 | Qin Wang | Pre-RecordedOral | | The response of phytoplankton in the oligotrophic and eutrophic waters of the Yellow Sea to the addition of haze in spring | Qin Wang, Chao Zhang, Haoyu Jin and Huiwang Gao | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15155 | Kurnosova A.S. | E-Poster | | Application of E-TRIX index for evaluation of eutrophication in the Amur Bay, as a background for its bottom layer deoxygenation | A.S.Kurnosova and V.I. Matveev | yes |
S6 (S-CC) | 15062 | Masahiko Fujii | Oral | | Continuous monitoring and future projection of ocean warming, acidification, and deoxygenation on the subarctic coast of Hokkaido, Japan | Masahiko Fujii, Shintaro Takao, Takuto Yamaka, Tomoo Akamatsu, Yamato Fujita, Masahide Wakita, Akitomo Yamamoto, and Tsuneo Ono | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15130 | Ana C. Franco | Oral | | Drivers of oxygen trends and variability in the Northeast Pacific | Ana C. Franco, Debby Ianson, Tetjana Ross, Roberta C. Hamme, Adam H. Monahan, James R. Christian, Marty Davelaar, William K. Johnson, Lisa A. Miller, Marie Robert, and Philippe D. Tortell | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15135 | Akira Iguchi | Oral | | Evaluation of the effects of ocean acidification and deoxygenation on eggs of Japanese whit-ing, Sillago japonica: An approach based on comprehensive gene expression analysis | Akira Iguchi, Masahiro Hayashi, Makiko Yorifuji, Miyuki Nishijima, Taiga Kunishima, Tomoko Bell, Atsushi Suzuki, and Tsuneo Ono | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15055 | Jennifer M. Jackson | Oral | | Identification of a seasonal subsurface oxygen minimum in Rivers Inlet, British Columbia | Jennifer M. Jackson, Sophia Johannessen, Justin del be Belluz, Brian P.V. Hunt, and Charles G. Hannah | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15159 | Ana C. Franco | Oral | | Impact of natural and anthropogenic deoxygenation on the habitat distribution of Pacific Halibut | Ana C. Franco, Hongsik Kim, Hartmut Frenzel, Rashid Sumaila, Curtis Deutsch, and Philippe D. Tortell | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15143 | Makiko Yorifuji | Oral | | Interactive effects of ocean deoxygenation and acidification on demersal fish in early life stages | Makiko Yorifuji, Masahiro Hayashi, Masaru Shionoya, Miki Kawata, Yusuke Watanabe, and Tsuneo Ono | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15103 | Ahron Cervania | Oral | | Isopycnal shoaling causes interannual variability in oxygen on isopycnals in the subarctic Northeast Pacific | Ahron Cervania and Roberta Hamme | yes, received file |
S6 (S-CC) | 15164 | Benjamin O'Connor | Oral | | Variability in oxygen within the coastal region of Queen Charlotte Sound: seasonal patterns, spatial trends, and implications for the marine carbonate system | Benjamin O’Connor, Stephanie Waterman, Wiley Evans, Jennifer Jackson, Charles Hannah, Hayley Dosser, and Alex Hare | yes, delayed |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15088 | Huihang Sun | E-Poster | | The effects of ocean data assimilation on North Pacific marine heatwave prediction | Huihang Sun, Yiguo Wang, and Jingjia Luo | |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15054 | Andrew R.S. Ross | Oral | | Recent advances in measuring and predicting the occurrence and impacts of harmful algal biotoxins in British Columbia coastal waters | Andrew R.S. Ross, Blair Surridge, Harry Hartmann, Mackenzie Mueller, Ovi Haque, Tim Hewison, Nicole Frederickson, Stewart Johnson, Ryan Shartau, Lenora Turcotte, Andrea Locke, Melissa Hennekes, Nina Nemcek, Hayleigh Shannon, Akash Sastri, and R. Ian Perry | yes, received file |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15133 | Jessica Cross | Oral | | The next decade of ocean acidification research in the Bering Sea: what we’ve learned and what’s coming next | Jessica N. Cross, Darren Pilcher, Hongjie Wang, Elizabeth Siddon, Natalie Monacci, W. Christopher Long, and Esther Kennedy | yes, received file |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15134 | Antonietta Capotondi | Oral | | Tropical influence on the development of Northeast Pacific marine heatwaves | Antonietta Capotondi, Matthew Newman, Tongtong Xu, and Emanuele Di Lorenzo | yes, received file |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15017 | Hui Shi | Pre-RecordedOral | | Co-occurrence of California drought and northeast Pacific marine heatwaves under climate change | Hui Shi, Marisol García-Reyes, Michael G. Jacox, Ryan R. Rykaczewski, Bryan A. Black, Steven J. Bograd, and William J. Sydeman | yes, received file |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15139 | Brandi Kamermans | Pre-RecordedOral | | Detecting and identifying saxitoxin-producing algae in the Salish Sea | Brandi Kamermans and Melissa Peacock | yes, received file |
S7 (FUTURE/POC) | 15160 | Elena Ustinova | Pre-RecordedOral | | Extreme events in the thermal state of the Far-Eastern Seas and adjacent waters of the Northwestern Pacific | Elena Ustinova | yes, delayed |
S8 (MEQ) | 15076 | Mi Jang | E-Poster | | A close relationship between microplastic contamination and coastal area use pattern | Mi Jang, Won Joon Shim, Youna Cho, Gi Myung Han, Young Kyoung Song, and Sang Hee Hong | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S8 (MEQ) | 15097 | Ji-Su Kim | E-Poster | | Importance of point source to microplastic accumulation in Antarctic environment | Ji-Su Kim, Seung-Kyu Kim, and In-Young Ahn | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S8 (MEQ) | 15085 | Seung-Kyu Kim | E-Poster | | Importance of seasonal sea ice in the western Arctic Ocean to the Arctic and global microplastic budgets | Seung-Kyu Kim, Hee-Jee Lee, Ji-Su Kim, Sung-Ho Kang, Eun-Jin Yang, Kyoung-Ho Cho, Zhexi Tian, and Anthony Andrady | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S8 (MEQ) | 15080 | Lauren Kashiwabara | E-Poster | | Microplastics and microfibers in surface waters of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, California | Lauren M. Kashiwabara, Shirel R. Kahane-Rapport, Chad King, Marissa DeVogelaere, Jeremy A. Goldbogen, and Matthew S. Savoca | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S8 (MEQ) | 15035 | Chengjun Sun | Oral | | Using shellfish as potential microplastic pollution indicator | Chengjun Sun, Jinfeng Ding, Jingxi Li, Peng Ju, and Fenghua Jiang | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15111 | K David Hyrenbach | Pre-RecordedOral | | Assessing impacts of plastic accumulation in Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) chick growth and body condition | K. David Hyrenbach, Dan Rapp, Sarah Youngren, and Paula Hartzell | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15073 | Won Joon Shim | Pre-RecordedOral | | Ecological risk assessment of waterborne microplastic particles in the marine environments of Korea | Won Joon Shim, Jae-Woong Jung, June-Woo Park, Soeun Eo, Jinsoo Choi, Young Kyoung Song, Youna Cho, and Sang Hee Hong | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15060 | Matthew Savoca | Pre-RecordedOral | | Evaluating species as bioindicators for plastic pollution in North Pacific food webs | Matthew S. Savoca, Susanne Kühn, ChengJun Sun, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Anela Choy, Sarah Dudas, Sanghee Hong, David Hyrenbach, Tsung-Hsien Li, Connie Ng, Jennifer Provencher, and Jennifer Lynch | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15066 | Shirel R. Kahane-Rapport | Pre-RecordedOral | | Field measurements reveal the risk of microplastic ingestion by filter-feeding megafauna | Shirel R. Kahane-Rapport, Max F. Czapanskiy, James A. Fahlbusch, Ari S. Friedlaender, John Calambokidis, Jeremy A. Goldbogen, and Matthew S. Savoca | yes, receved file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15095 | Seung-Kyu Kim | Pre-RecordedOral | | First estimates on the amount of water-borne microplastics entering the ocean from the Korean Peninsula | Seung-Kyu Kim, Hee-Jee Lee, and Ji-Su Kim | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15043 | Jennifer F. Provencher | Pre-RecordedOral | | Litter and microplastics monitoring in the Arctic under the Arctic Council’s Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) | Jennifer F. Provencher, Eivind Farmen, and Jan Rene Larsen | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15048 | Jinfeng Ding | Pre-RecordedOral | | Occurrence and risk assessment of microplastics in various shellfish from the two major coastal cities of China | Jinfeng Ding, Jingxi Li, Chengjun Sun, Fenghua Jiang. and Peng Ju | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15119 | Sarah-Jeanne Royer | Pre-RecordedOral | | Polyolefins and the effect of biofouling on their sinking behaviours in the oceanic water column. | Sarah-Jeanne Royer, Kayla C. Brignac, and Laurent Lebreton | yes, received file, will not be present |
S8 (MEQ) | 15021 | Soeun Eo | Pre-RecordedOral | | Prevalence of small high-density microplastics in continental shelf and deep-sea waters of East Asia | Soeun Eo, Sang Hee Hong, Young Kyoung Song, Gi Myung Han, Seongbong Seo, and Won Joon Shim | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15071 | C. Anela Choy | Pre-RecordedOral | | Widespread plastic ingestion in an abundant pelagic fish species, Alepisaurus ferox, across the subtropical North Pacific | C. Anela Choy, Sierra M. Byrne, Jennifer A.T.K. Wong-Ala, Elan J. Portner, and Phoebe A. Woodworth-Jefcoats | yes, received file |
S8 (MEQ) | 15114 | Michelle Hester | Withdrawal | | Plastic ingestion trends in adult Laysan and Black-footed Abatross | Jessie Beck, Michelle Hester, Myra Finkelstein, K. David Hyrenbach, and Hannah Nevins | no withdraw RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15142 | Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan | E-Poster | REP-3 | About problems of the biocomplexity of marine ecosystems on the example of the Okhotsk Sea | Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan | yes |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15032 | Olga Trusenkova | E-Poster | | Application of multivariate statistical analysis to vertical profiles of oceanographic characteristics on the example of moorings in Peter the Great Bay, the Japan/East Sea | Olga Trusenkova | yes LiveOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15105 | Ferdenant Mkrtchyan | E-Poster | | Big data processing algorithms and environmental indicators in multi –channel monitoring systems | Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan and Vladimir Yu. Soldatov | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15121 | Pramod Thupaki | E-Poster | REP-4 | Data Lakes for Ocean Data - How CIOOS is enabling data-science and AI research projects in the North East Pacific | Pramod Thupaki and Ray Brunsting | yes, missing submission, LiveOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15136 | Emiliya Chernienko | E-Poster | REP-1 | Machine learning methods for chub mackerel fishing area forecasting in the northwestern Pacific Ocean | Igor Chernienko and Emiliya Chernienko | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15065 | Steven E. Zhang | E-Poster | | Unsupervised Machine Learning for ocean profile classification and outlier detection using the Pacific Ocean temperature-conductivity-depth profile data | Steven E. Zhang, Riham Elhabyan, and Di Wan | yes RecordedOral->E-Poster |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15162 | Tongtong Xu | Oral | | A Linear Inverse Model Approach to Comprehensively Examine Marine Heatwaves | Tongtong Xu, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Matthew Newman, Antonietta Capotondi, and Samantha Stevenson | yes, received file |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15112 | Albert J. Hermann | Oral | | Enhanced dynamical downscaling of global climate projections to regional scales using Machine Learning | Albert J. Hermann and Emily L. Norton | yes |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15069 | Di Wan | Oral | | Using Machine Learning (ML) to study the timing of renewal evens in Douglas Channel, British Columbia, Canada | Di Wan, Pramod Thupaki, and Charles Hannah | yes, will present from her computer |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15061 | Igor I. Shevchenko | Oral | | Using the PICES TCODE catalog service | Igor I. Shevchenko | yes, received file R->L |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15083 | Lu Sun | Pre-RecordedOral | | Auto-detection of marine mammals from drone photos based on deep learning | Lu Sun, Tao Xia and Xuelei Zhang | yes, received file |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15145 | Yi Xu | Pre-RecordedOral | | Disentangling climate impacts on Sockeye Salmon population dynamics using machine learning | Yi Xu, Mike Hawkshaw, Caihong Fu, David A. Patterson, Roy Hourston, Peter Chandler, and Carrie Holt | yes, received file |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15039 | Moritz S. Schmid | Pre-RecordedOral | | Fine-scale interannual distributions of meso-zooplankton in the Northern California Current | Moritz S. Schmid, Kelsey Swieca, Su Sponaugle, and Robert K. Cowen | yes, received file |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15099 | Minkyoung Bang | Pre-RecordedOral | | Projected changes in the potential habitat distribution of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonica) in Korean waters from a maximum entropy model | Minkyoung Bang, Chan Joo Jang, Dongwha Sohn, and Jung Jin Kim | yes, received file |
S9 (FUTURE/POC/TCODE) | 15161 | Patrick J. Duke | Withdrawal | REP-2 | Estimating regional marine carbon uptake using a high-resolution neural network approach | Patrick J. Duke, Roberta C. Hamme, Debby Ianson, Mohamed M. M. Ahmed, Neil C. Swart, and Peter Landschützer | no LiveOral->E-Poster |
GP | 15131 | K.K. Basheer Ahammed | Declined | | Shoreline Change Dynamics along the Sundarbans Delta, India: A Geospatial Approach | K. K. Basheer Ahammed, Arvind Chandra Pandey, | |
GP | 15092 | Chieh Hsu | E-Poster | | "Wishing I'm Fishing": OceanView -- A fisherman's lifelong app | Charlie Tran, Qifei Yu, Chieh Hsu and Qianqian Tao, Erin Satterthwaite, Andre Amador, and Sophia Merrifield | yes |
GP | 15125 | V.A. Shelekhov | E-Poster | | Age-size composition and some characteristics of the population biology of the Helicolenus avius on the underwater uplifts of the Emperor ridge | Albina N. Kanzeparova, V.A. Shelekhov and Aleksey A. Somov | missing submission |
GP | 15094 | Elígio Maúre | E-Poster | | Application of the NEAT for global eutrophication assessment | Elígio Maúre and Genki Terauchi | yes S6->GP |
GP | 15128 | Mitsuhide Sato | E-Poster | | Distribution and chemical speciation of iron on the outer edge of the Changjiang diluted water plume of the East China Sea | Mitsuhide Sato, Yohei Wakuta and Shigenobu Takeda | yes |
GP | 15036 | Hajime Tanaka | E-Poster | | Economic evaluation of MSY-based fishery policy using Input-Output Table: A case study of squid-related industries in Hakodate City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan | Hajime Tanaka and Mitsutaku Makino | yes |
GP | 15091 | Mei Ishikura | E-Poster | | Effects of the Kuroshio Large Meander on euphausiids in Suruga Bay, Japan | Mei Ishikura, Akiyuki Kenmochi, Hiroyuki Matsuura, Takashi Yoshikawa, Rumi Sohrin, Yumiko Obayashi, and Jun Nishikawa | yes |
GP | 15046 | Megan Williams | E-Poster | | From theory to action: Solutions for climate-ready fisheries | Megan Williams, Elizabeth Cerny-Chipman, Michael Drexler, Henry P. Huntington, Corey C. Ridings, Anna M. Zivian, and Sarah Cooley | yes |
GP | 15120 | Anna V. Klimova | E-Poster | | Heavy metals in brown algae, vascular plants and soils of Bering Island (Commander Islands) in 2020 | Anna V. Klimova, Liliya A. Pozolotina, Viktoria G. Avdoshchenko, and Tatyana A. Klochkova | missing submission |
GP | 15056 | Hitoshi Kaneko | E-Poster | | Horizontal scale of chlorophyll a variation in relation to eddy activities in the midlatitudes of global oceans | Hitoshi Kaneko, Shin-ichi Ito and Ken'ichi Sasaki | yes |
GP | 15045 | Julia V. Stochkute | E-Poster | | Influence of climatic changes of the eastern coast of Chukotka on ice coverage of the Bering Sea | J.V. Stochkute | |
GP | 15082 | Mikhail A. Stepanenko | E-Poster | | Influence of environmental factors on the Bering Sea pollock reproduction, abundance and spatial distribution | Mikhail A. Stepanenko and Elena V. Gritsay | yes, missing submission |
GP | 15166 | Aoi Sugimoto | E-Poster | | Marine science communication in the UN Ocean Decade: What we have done, and what’s coming next | Aoi Sugimoto | yes |
GP | 15063 | June-Woo Park | E-Poster | | Toxic effects of aged-High Density Polyethylene fragment on zebrafish | Yunwi Heo, Jin Soo Choi, Hakwon Yoon, Kanghee Kim, and June-Woo Park | yes |
GP | 15151 | Wei-Yu Lee | E-Poster | | Using animal trajectory tracking software to compare the effects of different baits on the behavior of Portunidae | Wei-Yu Lee, Kuo-Wei Lan, Muhamad Naimullah and Lu-Chi Chen | |
GP | 15090 | Guoqi Han | E-Poster | | Variability of longshore surface current on the shelf edge and slope off the west coast of Canada | Guoqi Ha and Nancy Chen | yes |
GP | 15123 | Cameron Freshwater | Withdrawal | | Chinook salmon behavior may mediate prey availability for North American resident killer whales | Cameron Freshwater and Jackie King | no, withdraw |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15022 | Yusuke Manako | Pre-RecordedOral | | Community structure of fish larvae associated with advections of the Kuroshio and its neighboring waters | Yusuke Manako, Airi Hara, Kaori Yamanoue, Takafumi Azuma, Gen Kume, and Toru Kobari | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15019 | Toru Kobari | Pre-RecordedOral | | Comparison of plankton community structure, standing stocks and productivity along the Kuroshio at the Tokara Strait | Mihoko Abe, Toru Kobari, Gen Kume, Naoki Yoshie, Daisuke Hasegawa, Ayako Nishina, and Hirohiko Nakamura | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15020 | Gen Kume | Pre-RecordedOral | | Distribution, feeding habits, and growth of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, larvae during a high-stock period in the northern Satsunan area, southern Japan | Gen Kume, Taichi Shigemura, Masahiro Okanishi, Junya Hirai, Kazuhiro Shiozaki, Mutsuo Ichinomiya, Tomohiro Komorita, Akimasa Habano, Fumihiro Makino, and Toru Kobari | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15077 | Lian Kwong | Pre-RecordedOral | | Evaluating pathways of environmental association with mesozooplankton and fisheries production | Lian E. Kwong, Benjamin Nelson, Murdoch K. McAllister, and Evgeny A. Pakhomov | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15031 | Tomoko Kusano | Pre-RecordedOral | | How to adapt growth and productivity of fish larvae to the Kuroshio | Tomoko Kusano, Toru Kobari, Takafumi Azuma, and Gen Kume | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15030 | Yusuke Tokumo | Pre-RecordedOral | | Importance of gelatinous zooplankton on plankton food web in the Kuroshio based on metabarcoding analysis | Yusuke Tokumo, Toru Kobari, Ibuki Sato, Gen Kume, and Junya Hirai | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15037 | Karyn D. Suchy | Pre-RecordedOral | | Model-based spatiotemporal variability in mesozooplankton productivity in the Salish Sea | Karyn D. Suchy, Elise M. Olson, Susan. E. Allen, and Akash Sastri | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15108 | Hui Liu | Pre-RecordedOral | | Promising perceptions of linking zooplankton production to fisheries dynamics
| Hui Liu | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15040 | Shin Kazuno | Pre-RecordedOral | | Source of coastal waters advected to the Kuroshio using particle-tracking experiments on high-resolution coastal ocean model | Shin Kazuno, Shin’ichiro Kako, Hirohiko Nakamura, Ayako Nishina, and Toru Kobari | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15132 | Theresa A. Venello | Pre-RecordedOral | | The effect of zooplankton community composition on spatiotemporal variability of trophic transfer efficiency in the subarctic NE Pacific | Theresa A. Venello, Akash R. Sastri, Moira D. Galbraith, Robert Izett, Karyn D. Suchy, and John F. Dower | yes, received file |
W1 (BIO/FIS) | 15110 | Megan N. Wilson | Pre-RecordedOral | | The Tortoise and the Hare: distinct early growth strategies in a nearshore groundfish persist in the seasonally variable Northern California Current | Megan N. Wilson, Kirsten Grorud-Colvert, and Su Sponaugle | yes, received file |
W2 (FIS) | 15167 | Shevchenko G | E-Poster | | Analysis of thermal conditions in the northwest Pacific Ocean
from satellite data | Zh.R. Tskhay, G.V. Shevchenko, and D.M. Lozhkin | yes, late abstract |
W2 (FIS) | 15118 | Dongwha Sohn | E-Poster | | Effects of environmental variability on the spatial dynamics of common squid (Todarodes pacificus) in Korean waters | Dongwha Sohn, Sangil Kim, Minkyoung Bang, Changsin Kim, and Jung Jin Kim | |
W2 (FIS) | 15168 | Dmitry Lozhkin | E-Poster | | Seasonal and interannual variability of shortwave radiation in the northwest Pacific Ocean from satellite data | D.M. Lozhkin and G.V. Shevchenko | yes, late abstract |
W2 (FIS) | 15113 | Carolina Lang | Pre-RecordedOral | | Impact of environmental variability on jack mackerel spawning grounds in the open sea of the Southeast Pacific Ocean | Carolina Lang and Villy Christensen | yes, received file |
W2 (FIS) | 15052 | Kelsey Swieca | Pre-RecordedOral | | Oceanographic and trophodynamic underpinnings of larval anchovy success in the northern California Current | Kelsey Swieca, Su Sponaugle, Moritz S. Schmid, and Robert K. Cowen | yes, received file |
W2 (FIS) | 15015 | Wei Yu | Pre-RecordedOral | | Response of abundance and distribution of a top predator squid species to short-lived eddies in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean | Wei Yu, Xingnan Fang, and Xinjun Chen | yes, received file |
W3 (BIO) | 15058 | Yutaka Watanuki | Withdrawal | | Mapping marine pollution using a pelagic seabird as indicator | Yutaka Watanuki, Hideshige Takada, Sarara Azumi, Mayu Iwasaki, Mayumi Ishizuka, Yoshinori Ikenaka, Yoshito Chikaraish, Ken Yoda | wsh cancelled |
W3 (BIO) | 15158 | Marguerite Tarzia | Withdrawal | | Understanding and mitigating cetacean bycatch through a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach: IWC Bycatch Mitigation Initiative | Marguerite Tarzia , [additional authors to be confirmed] | wsh cancelled |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15093 | Chieh Hsu | Pre-RecordedOral | | "Wishing I'm Fishing": OceanView -- A fisherman's lifelong app | Charlie Tran, Qifei Yu, Chieh Hsu and Qianqian Tao, Erin Satterthwaite, Andre Amador, and Sophia Merrifield | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15078 | Margot Hessing-Lewis | Pre-RecordedOral | | Adoption and implementation of Seagrass Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) | Margot Hessing-Lewis, Angeleen M. Olson, Zachary L. Monteith, Carolyn Prentice, Luba Y. Reshitnyk, Rebecca Martone, Kylee Pawluk and, Markus Thompson | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15059 | Takafumi Yoshida | Pre-RecordedOral | | Assessment of the distribution of tidal flats in the Northwest Pacific region | Takafumi Yoshida, Nicholas Murray, Jie Su, Jongseo Yim, and Kirill Bazarov | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15057 | Sejal Pramlall | Pre-RecordedOral | | Characterizing phytoplankton phenology patterns in the Northeast Pacific coastal waters using the GlobColour Project | Sejal Pramlall, Maycira Costa, Jennifer Jackson, and Christian Marchese | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15075 | Natalya D. Gallo | Pre-RecordedOral | | Contributions of fisheries surveys to monitoring essential ocean, climate, and biodiversity variables: A synthesis from the U.S. West Coast | Natalya D. Gallo, Noelle M. Bowlin, Andrew R. Thompson, Erin V. Satterthwaite, and Brice X. Semmens | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15079 | Justin A. Del Bel Belluz | Pre-RecordedOral | | High temporal resolution phytoplankton compositions and environment drivers in the northern Salish Sea, British Columbia, Canada | Justin A. Del Bel Belluz, Angelica Peña, Jennifer M. Jackson, and Nina Nemcek | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15101 | Akash Sastri | Pre-RecordedOral | | Integrating coastal zooplankton monitoring programs into an Essential Biodiversity Variable (EBV) framework: Current status, challenges, and new developments, for Canada’s west coast. | Akash Sastri, Sonia Batten, Clare Ostle, and Brian Hunt | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15117 | Erin V. Satterthwaite | Pre-RecordedOral | | Linking marine ecosystem data to action within the context of climate change: Toward developing the global observing system for marine life | Erin V. Satterthwaite, Nic Bax,Gabrielle Canonico,Lavenia Ratnarajah,Brice Semmens,Ralf Goericke,Rasmus Swalethorp,Noelle Bowlin,Andrew Thompson Natalya Gallo, Kevin Travis, Kathryn Beheshti,CalCOFI Committee,GOOS BioEco panel, and PEGASuS 2 working group | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15106 | Maria T. Kavanaugh | Pre-RecordedOral | | Marine Biodiversity Observing in the Northern California Current: Understanding changing plankton community composition and seascape habitats. | Maria T Kavanaugh, Robert Cowen, Jennifer Fisher, Moritz Schmid, Su Sponaugle, Lauren Juranek, Samantha Zeman, Kym Jacobsen, Nicolaus Adams, Stephanie Moore, Jan Newton, and Jenny Wadde | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15163 | Brett Johnson | Pre-RecordedOral | | Mobilizing essential salmon biodiversity variables collected by the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program via the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System | Brett Johnson, Ray Brunsting, Brian Hunt, and Eric Peterson | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15068 | Young Nam Kim | Pre-RecordedOral | | Overview of the National Marine Ecosystem Monitoring program in Korea | Young Nam Kim, Inseo Hwang, Soo-Yeon Cho, and Jae-Young Lee | yes, received file |
W4 (AP-NPCOOS/MONITOR/TCODE/BIO/FUTURE) | 15098 | Sandy Starkweather | Pre-RecordedOral | | Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks: A Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (SAON-ROADS) | Sandy Starkweather and Jan Rene Larsen | yes, received file |
W5 (FUTURE) | 15149 | Nina Оkrestina | E-Poster | | New marine objects in the pacific salmon nutriment | Nina Оkrestina, Maxim Zharkov, and Olga Isaeva | yes |