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Oral Presentations

Bengt Karlson and Angela Wulff
Introduction, goals of the symposium
[pdf, 1 Mb]

Gustaaf M. Hallegraeff
Harmful algal blooms and ocean climate change: Progress on tackling a formidable predictive challenge (Invited talk)
[pdf, 2.5 Mb]

Joe Silke
Short-term HAB forecasting in a changing environment (Invited talk)
[pdf, 4 Mb]

Theodore J. Smayda and Thomas J. Smayda
Climate warming and harmful blooms (Invited talk)
[pdf, 15 Mb]

Annie Chapelle, Carles Guallar-Morillo, Cedric Bacher, Martin Plus, Marc Sourisseau, Guillaume Le Gland, Valerie le Guennec and Laure Guillou
Toxic blooms phenology and abiotic controls in a changing world. The case of Alexandrium minutum in Britany (French coast)
[pdf, 2 Mb]

Elisa Berdalet, Magda Vila and Rafael Abos-Herrandiz
Expansion of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis with climate change: Health risks assessment and policy strategies for management
[pdf, 1 Mb]

Ichiro Imai, Keigo Yamamoto, Tetsuya Nishikawa and Satoshi Nagai
Long-term trends of harmful algal blooms in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan
[pdf, 2.6 Mb]

Stewart Bernard and Raphael Kudela
Linkage to Other International Programs with an HAB Component
[pdf, 2.2 Mb]

Kedong Yin and Jianzhang He
Red tides are more correlated with climate variability under eutrophic conditions in Hong Kong: Time series analysis
[pdf, 1 Mb]

Catherine Legrand
Cyanobacteria in future climate conditions: Time to project diversity and function, not only biomass
(Invited talk)
[pdf, 4. 5 Mb]

Hans W. Paerl, H. Xu, B. Qin, G. Zhu, N.S. Hall, K.L. Rossignol and J.T. Scott
Climate change: The links to global expansion of harmful cyanobacterial blooms (Invited talk)
[pdf, 5.5 Mb]

David R. Turner
The essentials of pH and the carbon dioxide system for HAB researchers (Invited talk)
[pdf, 0.2 Mb]

Meri Eichner, Isabell Klawonn, Samuel T. Wilson, Matthew J. Church, David M. Karl and Helle Ploug
Microenvironments of Trichodesmium colonies - Implications for ocean acidification responses
[pdf, 0. 5 Mb]

Andreas Brutemark, Angeliqué Vandelannoote, Jonna Engström-Öst and Sanna Suikkanen
A less saline Baltic Sea promotes cyanobacterial growth, hampers intracellular microcystin production, and leads to strain-specific differences in allelopathy
[pdf, 1 Mb]

Callum Whyte, Sarah Swan and Keith Davidson
A climate link to the exceptional 2013 bloom of Dinophysis in Scottish waters and its associated diarrhetic shellfish poisoning event?
[pdf, 2 Mb]

Peter A. Thompson, Todd D. O'Brien, Hans W. Paerl, Benjamin L. Peierls, Paul J. Harrison and Malcolm Robb
Precipitation as a driver of phytoplankton ecology in coastal waters: A climatic perspective
[pdf, 2.4 Mb]

Lisa Campbell and Darren Henrichs
Long-term time series of phytoplankton dynamics and community composition from the Imaging FlowCytobot can reveal impacts of climate change
[pdf, 3 Mb]

Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Ben Ward, Jeff Morris, Jeff Scott, Mick Follows, Sonya Dyhrman and Ilana Berman- Frank
Exploring marine phytoplankton biogeography through theory and models: Applications to climate change studies (Invited talk)
[pdf, 1.2 Mb]

Kevin J. Flynn
Modelling harmful algal growth under climate change (Invited talk)
[pdf, 1.5 Mb]

Maarten De Rijcke, Gabriel M. Orellana, Julie Vanden Bussche, Lynn Vanhaecke, Karel A.C. De Schamphelaere and Colin R. Janssen
Shifting N:P ratios do not affect the competitive traits of dinoflagellates under present and future climate scenarios
[pdf, 2 Mb]

Tatiana Yu. Orlova, Polina A. Kameneva and Tatiana V. Morozova
Long-term changes in microalgae communities on the Russian East coast with emphasis on toxic and bloom forming species
[pdf, 2 Mb]

H.E. Markus Meier
Impact of changing physics on marine ecosystems in future coastal seas (Invited talk)
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Elisa Villa, Carmem-Lara Manes, Jahir Orozco, Linda Medlin and Delphine Guillebault
Towards real-time in situ monitoring of toxic algae
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]

Bernd Krock and Susan Waugh
Development of seabird based sampling strategies for the determination of plankton communities with special focus on HAB species
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]

Jaap van Nes, Wesley Boënne, Nele Desmet and Piet Seuntjens
Integration of mobile automated monitoring systems with treatment and DSS tools for smart HAB management
[pdf, 3.5 Mb]


Poster Presentations


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  • Symposium Structure
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  • Contact
    Important Dates
  • April 1, 2015
    Financial support application deadline

  • April 10, 2015
    1. Registration deadline
    LATE FEE from April 11
    2. Abstract submission deadline
    3. S
    pecial food requirements deadline
    [email us this form]
    4. Notification of Financial support grant
  • April 15, 2015
    Abstract acceptance notification
  • April 16-25,2015
    Confirm your presentations and attendance
  • May 4, 2015
    Registration fee
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