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6. Climate change in the seasonal domain: Impacts on the phenology of marine ecosystems and their consequences
Mark Payne (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Rubao Ji (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)
Plenary Speaker: Lynda Chambers (Bureau of Meteorology, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Australia)
Invited Speaker: Sanae Chiba (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
The impacts of climate change on the timing of seasonal events (phenology) is well documented in terrestrial ecosystems. However, the challenges associated with observing life in the ocean have greatly limited our ability to understand the corresponding impacts on marine ecosystems. Nevertheless, changes in phenology in the ocean are inevitable and can potentially have consequences across multiple trophic levels (e.g., via the match-mismatch hypothesis). This session will: (1) enable new results to be presented across multiple trophic levels; (2) allow researchers to exchange methods to study phenology based on limited marine data sets; and (3) attempt to draw together our understanding of climate change impacts in the seasonal domain.
Lynda E. Chambers, Peter Dann and Alistair J. Hobday (plenary)
Phenology responses of southern marine species to climate: Impacts and adaptation options
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Sanae Chiba, Mitsuhiro Toratani, Sayaka Yasunaka, Taketo Hashioka, Sonia Batten and Hiroya Sugisaki (Invited)
Timing is everything? - Climate control on the North Pacific ecosystem phenology
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Michael T. Burrows, Jorge GarcÃa Molinos, Benjamin S. Halpern, Anthony J. Richardson,
Pippa Moore, Elvira Poloczanska and David S. Schoeman
Velocity and seasonal shift in climate: Ecologically relevant indices for predicting changes in
species distributions and phenology
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Anne Goffart, Amandine Collignon and Jean-Henri Hecq
Control of plankton phenology by climate variation in a Mediterranean coastal area: Results from a
long-term study
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Rubao Ji, Yun Li, Stephanie Jenouvrier, Meibing Jin, Julienne Stroeve, Garrett Campbell and
Oystein Varpe
Spatio-temporal variability of synchronicity between ice retreat and phytoplankton blooms in the
polar regions
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Inga Kristiansen, Eilif Gaard, Hogni Debes, Bogi Hansen and Sigrun Jonasdottir
Diversity and phenology changes of Calanus in the south-western Norwegian Sea, 1990-2014,
linked to ocean climate
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Clement LeGoff, Yves-Marie Paulet, Aurelie Jolivet, Ronan Fablet, Stephane Pouvreau, Bertrand Chaperon and Christophe Cassous
From large scale climate variability to individual character changes in coastal invertebrates: The case of NAO and of the daily growth of the scallop, Pecten maximus [pdf, 1 Mb]
Andrew J. Pershing, Katherine E. Mills, Nicholas R. Record, and Christina Hernandez
Seasonal forecasts for the timing of lobster landings
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Jennifer I. Fincham, Georg H. Engelhard and Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp
Warmer winters and shifting spawning phenology in sole
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Anna B. Neuheimer, Mark R. Payne and Brian R. MacKenzie
The roles of plasticity and adaptation in spawning time of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Explaining
phenology and making predictions in a changing climate
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Rebecca G. Asch, Charles A. Stock and Jorge L. Sarmiento
Projected mismatches between the phenology of phytoplankton blooms and fish spawning based on
the GFDL Earth System Model (ESM2M)
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S6-P5 Christopher A. Griffiths, Beth Scott and Julia L. Blanchard
Juvenile sandeel growth: An individual’s physiological and phenological response to climatic
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Jose E. Martinelli Filho and Rubens M. Lopes
Cyclopoid copepods in a subtropical coastal area (Ubatuba, Brazil): Growth rates and production
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