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10. Forecasting climate change impacts on fish populations and fisheries
Alistair Hobday (CSIRO)
Anne Hollowed (Alaska Fisheries Science Centre,
National Marine Fisheries Service, USA)
Plenary Speaker: Patrick Lehodey (Space Oceanography Division, CLS, France)
Climate change is a major driver affecting the productivity of key species in global fisheries. This session encourages papers that focus on identifying the mechanisms and forecasting the impact of climate change on the productivity and distribution of important marine species that sustain global or regional fisheries. Papers identifying the mechanisms that link climate to fish productivity or distribution will be considered. The session will focus on model projections of regional future climate and physical oceanographic scenarios linked to fish population dynamics. These linkages can include changes in biogeochemical processes, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities, or ecologically important fish species. The linkages can be made by statistical and mechanistic approaches from a range of models including mass-balance, sized-based, individual-based and end-to-end models. Additional topics of interest include responses of fisheries management systems, and the interaction between climate and harvest impacts on fish populations.
Patrick Lehodey, Inna Senina, Simon Nicol, John Hampton, Anna Conchon, Anne-Cecile
Dragon, Olivier Titaud, Beatriz Calmettes, Olivier Aumont, Morgane Dessert, Thomas
Gorgues and Christophe Menkes (Plenary)
Forecasting climate change impacts on large pelagic fish populations and fisheries: Progress,
uncertainties and research needs
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Elvira Poloczanska (Invited)
Climate change effects on fish and fisheries
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Joana Boavida-Portugal, Jose R. Paula, Francois Guilhaumon, Miguel B. Araujo and Rui
Small pelagics and climate change
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Paul D. Spencer, Nicholas A. Bond, Anne B. Hollowed, Stephani Zador, Kirstin Holsman and
Franz J. Mueter
How might environmentally-driven changes in the distribution of arrowtooth flounder affect eastern
Bering Sea walleye pollock predation mortality and population projections?
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Irene Alabia, Sei-Ichi Saitoh, Hiromichi Igarashi, Yoichi Ishikawa, Norihisa Usui, Masafumi
Kamachi, Toshiyuki Awaji and Masaki Seito
Potential climate impacts of ocean warming to squid inferred habitat in North Pacific: Implications
on future resource availability
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Louise A. Rutterford, Stephen D. Simpson, Simon Jennings, Mark P. Johnson, Julia L.
Blanchard, Pieter-Jan Schon, David W. Sims, Jonathan Tinker and Martin J. Genner
Future fish distributions constrained by depth in warming seas
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Abigail Marshall, John K. Pinnegar and Julia L. Blanchard
How do alternative models of individual growth affect size-structured population and community responses to climate change and fishing?
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Nick Caputi, Ainslie Denham, M. Kangas, Ming Feng, Alan Pearce, Y. Hetzel and A.
The effect of an extreme marine heat wave on invertebrate fisheries in Western Australia
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Jean-Baptiste Lecomte, Jacquelynne R. King and Andrew M. Edwards
Linking climate variability to rockfish recruitment
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V. Kripa, E. Vivekanandan, P.U. Zacharia and Ayyaru Gopalakrishnan (Invited)
Climate change influences on India's marine fisheries
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Jose A. Fernandes, S. Kay, M.A.R. Hossain, M. Ahmed, William W.L. Cheung and Manuel
Modelling fish production in Bangladesh under environmental change and socio-economic scenarios
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Georg H. Engelhard, John K. Pinnegar and Ewan Hunter
What the world's longest fish size time-series can tell us about climate change, fishing, eutrophication
and war: North Sea plaice, 1902 to now
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Tyler D. Eddy, Christopher E. Cornwall, Laurent Bopp, Tilla Roy, Beth Fulton and Heike K.
Effects of near-future climate change, fishing, and marine protection on a temperate, coastal
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Alan Haynie and Lisa Pfeiffer
Predicting how climate variation affects the Bering Sea pollock trawl and Pacific cod longline
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Vicky W.Y. Lam, William W.L. Cheung and U. Rashid Sumaila
Change in global fisheries economics with climate change
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Christopher Lynam, Pierre Helaouet, Christian Mollmann, Marcos Llope, Roddy Mavor,
Georgia Bayliss-Brown and Nils-Christian Stenseth
Long-term trends in the biomass of commercial fish in the North Sea: The role of fishing impacts,
predator-prey interactions and temperature change
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Kelly Ortega-Cisneros and Kevern L. Cochrane
Modelling impacts of climate change on fisheries in the southern Benguela system
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Bryony L. Townhill, Julian D. Metcalfe, David A. Righton and John K. Pinnegar
Fisheries, low oxygen and climate change: Integrating physiological data with model projections
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Anne B. Hollowed, Kerim Aydin, Al Hermann and Kirstin Holsman
A framework for evaluating IPCC AR5 projected climate change impacts on Bering Sea (AK) fish
and fisheries
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Alistair J. Hobday, Claire M. Spillman, J. Paige Eveson and Jason R. Hartog
Seasonal forecasting as a stepping stone to climate adaptation in marine fisheries and aquaculture
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Melissa A. Haltuch, Z. Teresa A'mar, Nicholas A. Bond and Juan L. Valero
Assessing the future effects of climate change trends on U.S. west coast sablefish productivity and
on the performance of alternative management strategies
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Josephine Dianne Deauna, Olivia Cabrera, Patrick Pata, Cesar L. Villanoy, Roselle Borja,
Laura David and Asuncion de Guzman
Temporal variability of upwelling parameters in the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines and its
relationship with sardine production
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Carey R. McGilliard, Andre E. Punt, Jim Ianelli and Grant Thompson
Quantitative tools for predicting fish population dynamics and evaluating alternative harvest
strategies under climate change for marine fisheries in Alaska
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Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang, Ming Feng, Ainslie Denham, James Penn, Dirk Slawinski, Alan
Pearce and Jason How
Decline in puerulus settlement in the western rock lobster fishery in Western Australia: A climate
change effect?
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S10-P2 Diana Perry, Thomas Staveley and Martin Gullstrom
Marine shallow water seascapes under a changing climate: A seagrass perspective
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Shin-ichi Ito, Takeshi Okunishi, Michio J. Kishi and Muyin Wang
Modelling ecological responses of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) to future climate change and its
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Walter H.D. Pinaya and Ronald B. Souza
The Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) landings and its relationship with the
marine variability in the Southeast Brazilian Bight (SBB)
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