W2 Presentations
Potential impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and fisheries
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Kenneth L. Denman (Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis; DFO, Canada)
Yukihiro Nojiri (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
Hans Pörtner (Alfred-Wegener Institute, Germany)


The global ocean is being acidified as carbon dioxide from fossil fuel emissions enters its surface waters. The magnitude of this increase is directly related to the amount of carbon dioxide added, and more certain than many other changes related to climate change. Predicting the impacts of increasing acidification on marine ecosystems and fisheries is difficult due to the lack of knowledge of the ability of individual species and functional groups to adapt to increasing acidification, especially in combination with related effects associated with climate change such as increasing temperature, declining dissolved oxygen (Brewer and Peltzer, 2009), and stratification. Hence, potential effects cannot yet be represented in models of marine ecosystems. Potential impacts on commercial fisheries are significant: an analysis of 2007 US ‘at vessel’ fisheries value indicates 73% of the value is associated with calcium carbonate organisms and their direct predators (Cooley and Doney, 2009).

This workshop will discuss manipulation experiments and observations on the effects of high acidity (low pH) caused by elevated carbon dioxide on organisms at all trophic levels of fisheries foodwebs, modelling approaches to predict the impact of continuing increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, effects on marine biodiversity, and economic and social impacts on marine fisheries.

It is expected that the workshop will produce a white paper on these research directions and a summary article in PICES Press.


Sunday, April 25 (9:00-15:45)



Kenneth L. Denman, James Christian, Nadja Steiner and Warren Lee
Acidification of the global ocean: Observational evidence and projections to 2100 with the Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM) (W2-6370)
(pdf, 1.2 Mb)



Masako Nakamura, Shun Ohki, Atsushi Suzuki and Kazuhiko Sakai
Metabolism and metamorphosis of coral larvae in acidified seawater (W2-6149)
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Lailah G. Lartey-Antwi and Andreas J. Andersson
Effects of ocean acidification on the growth of the flat-tree oyster, Isognomon alatus (Gmelin, 1791) (W2-6259)
(pdf, 1 Mb)



Ryota Suwa and Yoshihisa Shirayama
Effects of diurnal pCO2 fluctuation on sea urchin larvae: A preliminary report (W2-6361)
(waiting for permission)



Haruko Kurihara
Overview of the impacts of ocean acidification on the early development of fishes and shellfishes (W2-6303)
(waiting for permission)



Awantha Dissanayake, Atsushi Ishimatsu, Haruko Kurihara and So Kawaguchi
Climate change impacts (ocean acidification and temperature) on the metabolic scope and activity of nektonic organisms: A crustacean example (W2-6311)
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Kehinde Salau
Mathematical approach to modeling the effects of ocean acidification on the pteropod and pink salmon population (W2-6243)
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Atsushi Ishimatsu, Atsuko Fukuda and Haruko Kurihara
Effects of CO2-driven ocean acidification and warming on early development of fish (W2-6291)
(pdf, 1 Mb)



Philip L. Munday, Monica Gagliano, Simon Thorrold, Jennifer M. Donelson and Danielle L. Dixson
Ocean acidification does not affect the early life history development of a tropical marine fish (W2-6128)
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David M. Checkley, Jr.
Effects of elevated pCO2 on fish otoliths – Results, inference, and experimental design (W2-6390)
(waiting for permission)


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